Tag: Wordpress.com
Why Having a Free Blog is Wrong in my Opinion!
After having a lot of discussion with so many friends of mine on why having a free blog is wrong, here is my blog on why having a free blog is wrong in my opinion. Do read it out and share your opinion and thought on it.
Why to Use WordPress over Blogger?
As bloggers are familiar about different blogging platform, one question which I randomly encounter is about using WordPress is better or Blogger one? Read on this blog post of mine on why to use WordPress over blogger?
Do You Blog As a Hobby or As a Profession?
If you are a blogger, then this discussion is for you. Do you blog as a hobby or as a profession? Let us discuss all this in this blog post.
9 WordPress Mistakes to Avoid in Blogging!
Mistakes are eternal part of our life. As far as blogging is concerned, we can learn a lot from our mistakes. Here are those 9 WordPress mistakes to avoid in blogging, take lessons from these and never repeat them in your blogging life.
INI Weekly Series – Week 22 Blog Posts!
As you all know that we started this trend of sharing all the posts of a week in a weekly series and hence this is our 22nd weekly post.
How to Get a Customized Domain Name for WordPress.com Blogs?
There are many bloggers who blog on a blog provided by wordpress.com and wanted to get rid of the free sub-domain which wordpress.com offers to them. Read on this blog post of mine to know how to get a customized domain name for wordpress.com blog?
Importance of Domain Name in the World of Blogging!
Do you know the most important things required to stand your blog out from the crowd? If you ask me I will say it is the domain name of your blog. Read on this blog post of mine to know the importance of domain name in the world of blogging.
10 Common Misconceptions about Blogging!
There are many types of misconception about blogging industry. Being a blogger I came through some of them and thought I should present our opinion about them. Here are the 10 common misconceptions about blogging and my opinion on them.
WordPress.com vs. Self Hosted WordPress – Which one is Better?
So you consider yourself as a serious blogger, and you already own a free WordPress blog or a blogspot one. You usually share your great ideas on a regular basis with the world. Good for you. I am not going to stop you to do so. The only things which bother me is the platform…