Tag: success
Your Real Journey to Success Begins from Class 10th
Your Real Journey to Success Begins from Class 10th: “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” — Lao Tzu
Ways to Overcome Jealousy!
It is a very common feeling of being “jealous”. Jealousy in one could be due to other person’s success, his/her well being. I am very sure many of you out there must have felt this way at some point or the other in your life, when you have been devoid of success. In such situations…
Top Five Not To Do Things in Office!
We all want to get success in our professional life. We all want to reach to the maximum height as far as our work area is concerned. We all know that it is the combination of our talent and the smart or hard work which can provide us the opportunity to attain success not only…
How to Recognize Your Own Success!
What is Success? We all have different meanings of the success. Success is a very small term, but gives unlimited happiness. It’s very hard to recognize your own success. For some people success is like living happily. For them, struggling to survive is not living, and thus if you are not living happily, means you…
Some Ways for Gaining Instant Confidence!
Many of us feel shy while talking to other people around, people feel low in confidence and act introvert. These people will be dominated by those who are smart and extroverts. Therefore, the only way for you all to get out of this insecurity is to feel good about yourself. Those people who are low…
Reasons behind the Success of a Team Work!
I am sure that readers of my blog were waiting for my new post from so many days, but unfortunately due to some health related issues I won’t be able to deliver the same. Other than some normal health related issues there was one more important aspect which was stopping me to write a useful…
How to Love your Own Life?
I met a 16 year old teen at the park today. She had a beautiful face but this face had something missing and that was the shine, the spark of living life. She was sitting gloomily there as if she had no goal, no happiness, nothing. Something in her face made me curious to know…
How To Get Success In Whatever You Do In Life?
Success… A word that is everybody’s destination. Success literally means an achievement of something you planned to do. Whichever field you belong to success is your target. Now before we get on to discuss how to get success I want you to close your eyes and think that what success means to you and what…
7 Ways to Build Your Confidence!
Guys, this is the New Year time, the time for making new resolutions, planning for the entire year, and remembering the incident happened during last year which just now passed. Many of us plan to quit smoking, or drinking, as New Year resolution, which actually breaks within a few days only. Some of the guys…
Some Rules You Need To Know When Finding the Right Mate!
There is a proverb which goes like’ a bad breakfast screws the day and a bad life partner screws the whole life’. It is without a doubt very true. You need to choose your life partner very cautiously because it is your mate that will be the one with whom you will share your secrets,…
Top Five Benefits of Positive Thinking!
No matter what you face in your life, if you possess a positive thinking the success will eventually be yours. Having positive thinking in your life is the only way to face the day to day challenges of life and defeat them successfully. If you have the never say die attitude then there is nothing…
How to Get a Mentor for Strategic Business Imperative!
Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight. Undoubtedly good education and talents decide your success, but for majority of people goals are not set in a day. They are born to lead and change millions of fates worldwide. What push them to excel to such a level of business acumen, intelligence, foresightedness, and performance?…
Take Benefit from the Experience of your senior as You Search for Job!
These days I was looking for a web designer for my company. I was searching for a web or graphic designer for my company from last two months and believe me, I have gone through around hundreds of profile, called them up, asked them to come for an interview, and conducted the interview too. Most…
5 tips to make a good CV!
An impactful CV is the first step towards success because it is the deciding factor as to whether you would get to face the interviewer or not. It is not merely a piece of paper wherein you scribble your name, education and job experience.
Key to success: Make your employees happy
Employees are the backbone of any company or organization, and addressing severe work conditions plays a crucial role in their satisfaction. Keeping them content is the key to success for the organization. When employees are happy and satisfied with their position in the office, they are more likely to give their best for the benefit…