Tag: Online Shopping
Why Should we Promote A Cashless Life!
Cashless India is slowly-slowly becoming a reality. The need of the hour is to become cashless, and here is my blog on Why Should we Promote A Cashless Life and some of it’s benefits.
What Are Your Plans & Preparation for Diwali Shopping!
It is the time of the year, when we Indians are in Festive Mood, and the festive mood is being complemented by the Shopping mood as well. It is the time of the year when we plan about shopping stuffs for the next year. What are your plans & preparation for Diwali Shopping?
INI Weekly Series – Week 35 Blog Posts!
As you all know that we started this trend of sharing all the posts of a week in a weekly series and hence this is our 35th weekly post.
User Experience of Snapdeal Savings Day 11/11
Just like the Big Billion Day sale of Flipkart, Snapdeal came up with its own Snapdeal Savings Day on 11th of November, 2014. Unfortunately the benefits which Snapdeal gained from the failure of the Big Billion Day sales of Flipkart was all went into vein with the user experience of Snapdeal Savings Day 11/11.
War of Online Shopping in India!
Ecommerce is on a boom these days. We recently saw the big billion day sale by Flipkart, which ultimately gave goose bumps to many customers and competitors as well. Read on this blog post of mine to know more about war of online shopping in India.
INI Weekly Series – Week 16 Blog Posts!
As you all know that we started this trend of sharing all the posts of a week in a weekly series and hence this is our 16th weekly post.
Shop Online using Coupons – Save Money and Time too!!
With online shopping gaining preference, working individuals can even rest, relax and stay at home. In fact, shopping can be done online 24×7 for the websites can be accessed at all times.
Olx.in Review – Yahan Sab Kuch Bikta Hai!
Sponsored review of Olx.in Review – Yahan Sab Kuch Bikta Hai!
Why Popularity of Online Mobile Phone Shopping is Increasing?
Online shopping for anything is experiencing a steady upsurge in popularity thanks to its more secure, faster incarnation. And of course it’s been made extremely popular because it tends to deliver large discounts, offers free UK delivery and can sometimes even get your phone to you in the next day’s post. As a resident of…
Five Ways through which web has changed our lives!
Ever wondered what would life be if there was no internet in our life? You wouldn’t even have been reading this article if there was no web. Try to ask your parents how different their lives were without internet. You will definitely find some amazing stories there. So just to let you realize that how…