Tag: Hobbies

  • How to Make Your Life Simpler?

    All of us want our life to be less complicated and easy going. But that generally doesn’t happen. With so many of us trying to manage home and office together life becomes too busy. Even though majority of us pass more than half of our lives in doing our work, we are unable to figure…

  • Valentine’s Day for Singles!

    So you are single and wondering what to do this V-day? You can’t go like your other friends shopping around and buying gifts for your mate. You must be feeling down about not having that special person in your life. Well let me give you a few reasons to cheer up. Being single means no…

  • How to Love your Own Life?

    I met a 16 year old teen at the park today. She had a beautiful face but this face had something missing and that was the shine, the spark of living life. She was sitting gloomily there as if she had no goal, no happiness, nothing. Something in her face made me curious to know…

  • Top 11 Ways to Impress Women!

    Men need to understand that even a slightest compliment can make a lot of difference as far as impressing a woman is concerned. You might not know that either it will offend her to no extents or flatter her in a way you thought was not possible. Here are top 11 ways to impress a…

  • What do Women Want from her Partner!

    Do you know what do women want from her partner? A marriage or a relationship is something which has many expectations to be fulfilled. Especially for women, they demand something extra from her partner, so all men should know about these so that they can have a happy relationship. 1. Understanding: The first thing women…

  • Five Tips which will Help You to Tackle Stress!

    I think writing on this theme would be the most appropriate as these days people have all the reasons to be stressed about- recession, pay cuts, job lay off, less income and what not! One is bound to get stressed in such situations. It is very important to tackle stress as it could prove very…

  • 10 Benefits of Reading!

    10 Benefits of Reading!

    I’m indebted to my mother to have inculcated a great habit like reading in me. I still remember how she used to just gift books for the special occasions like birthdays and Diwali. Slowly her perseverance of this trend became a passion for me.  This habit grew stronger as I grew up. I started working…

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