Tag: Dance
Career Options after Doing Class 12 – What To Do after Senior Secondary!
Many students are these days waiting for the results of class 12. It is the time of taking strong decisions as their career is involved with it. Here is my blog on career options after doing class 12 – what to do after Senior Secondary?
Ways to Get Rid of Flabby Areas from Your Body!
Due to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, combined with larger portion sizes and unhealthier eating options, people have become increasingly overweight and unhealthy. The United States, in particular, has the highest ratio of obese individuals ever. For those who are not overweight or obese, some have excess flab which they are looking to remove from their…
How to Feel Good on A Bad Day!
We all suffer from mood swings it could be because of certain reasons; we may or may not want to share it with people around or with our near and dear ones. Bad mood is definitely no fun to move around with. You might hamper your relationship with family friends and hence lose a good…
Top Six Fresh Date Ideas!
Weekend coming by and still confused about the venue of the next date. Date is not always about candle light dinner at plush restaurants. It can be at the messy terrace of your house also or even the lawn at your place. All you have to do is be a little romantic and arrange food.…
7 Tips for How to Improve your Will Power!
You must have noticed that people with higher self-discipline and self-control are less likely to suffer from unhappiness, obesity, fewer score on standardized tests and earn less money. Accomplishing personal goals is greatly correlated to self-discipline. Will power and self-discipline is not something natural but is build up by the individual, every human can possess…
Valentine’s Day for Singles!
So you are single and wondering what to do this V-day? You can’t go like your other friends shopping around and buying gifts for your mate. You must be feeling down about not having that special person in your life. Well let me give you a few reasons to cheer up. Being single means no…
Therapies which can Boost any Relationships!
Almost every relationship suffers from ups and downs but only few couples have the courage and willingness to invest their time and money in the traditional therapy thing. Taking help from the therapist does not mean that you are more or less committed to the relationship as compared to other couples. Rather it is just…
How to Keep Away the Stress from Life?
In this era of fast paced life stress is inevitable. If you have ambitions and want to progress in life rapidly then stress is unavoidable because it’s almost impossible to win every challenge in life and a defeat causes you stress. If you cannot deal with this stress then it can take a toll on…