Category: Careers
CAT (IIM) Preparation Tips & Tricks!
IIM’s are considered to be one of the most prestigious colleges in India, getting admissions in any of the IIM college in India is considered as a status symbol for parents. Here is one of my blog on CAT Preparation Tips & Tricks.
Things to Do After Doing Engineering!
If you are doing Engineering from any Engineering College, the first question which everyone else was asking you is about the things to do after doing Engineering? Here is my blog on Top Things to Do after Doing Engineering.
Opportunity for Blogger, Content Writer, Designers and WordPress Developers!
If you are a blogger, content writer, web and graphics designer, or front end and back end WordPress developer then this blog post is for you only. Read on this post to grab an opportunity in these fields and join a growing organization in New Delhi.
Quick Interview Tips for Job Seekers!
You know the most important thing which a job seeker needed is the confidence. I haven’t yet met someone who won’t be a bit nervous on the D day. Here are some quick interview tips for job seekers.
When You Decide to Quit a Job!
Did you ever realize why a person decided to quit a job? After all what went wrong that a person took such a life changing decision. Read on to know what went behind when you decided to quit a job?
Gulf Countries: A Major Destination for Chemical Engineering Fresher’s!
Gulf is a key destination for expats in search of lucrative job opportunities. With numerous job opportunities available in different sectors, fresh graduates in chemical engineering have a bright career prospects in Gulf. The following article talks about what makes Gulf jobs in chemical engineering a lucrative option for fresher. Be it petroleum industry, natural…
Tips for A Successful Career in Event Planning and Event Management!
Wondering who is behind the success of a party you just have been to? Or may be you want to organize a party for your colleagues and friends and you want a specialist to take care of the proceedings. Event management is all about that and more. We all attend various events as a part…
Why Employee Background Check is Important?
You must be working with a small or big company where the employer must have done the background verification. The number of employers conducting verification on job applicants is growing dramatically. But have you ever thought that despite being a time-taking process, why do employers want to do employment verification at the time of appointing…
5 Job Myths Which Can Ruin your Career!
During my eight years of working career I realized that there are different types of myths floating in the mind of youths and these myths are something which need immediate attention, else it might ruin their career as well.
Top Five Not To Do Things in Office!
We all want to get success in our professional life. We all want to reach to the maximum height as far as our work area is concerned. We all know that it is the combination of our talent and the smart or hard work which can provide us the opportunity to attain success not only…
5 Tips to Succeed in a Job Interview!
It has happened to the best of people that when you go for a job interview, even if you are a very confident person, you get very nervous. There’s something about the air in that room probably that doesn’t let you be your own self easily. Job interviews, especially first job interviews tend to sap…
Six Telephonic Interview Tips that Can Fetch You a Job!
These days’ telephonic interviews have become one of the most important procedures of the selection of any candidate for any job. Although I can say that getting success in the telephonic round of interview will not give you the certainty of the job, but yes it will be a plus point for you when you…
How to Host an Effective Meeting!
There are many instances in our career when we need to have an effective display of our work or we need to plan out a project, through a meeting. It may be something related to personal life or professional life. If you are an owner of a company and you need to conduct a meeting…
How to Prepare Yourself for Job Interview?
I have seen around thousands of articles on the same topic, but still I thought I should share my own views on how to prepare you for job interview. Everybody in this world feel nervous while facing the interview. What are the questions the interviewer is going to ask me? This is the question which…
Few Tips for a Successful Career Change!
Thinking about changing your career, here are a few tips which can help you to decide how to opt for a successful career transition. It is quite obvious that people think about job change. There are many reasons why people opt for a job change; here are a few of them: Un-satisfaction: Job satisfaction is…
5 Quick Tips against Job Fraud!
If you’re new here, and interested in the latest news and insights on news from India and world, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed. Thanks for visiting I News India. Always be prepared from the fraud which lots of companies are doing with the fresher. Some times the experienced people too faces…
5 tips to make a good CV!
An impactful CV is the first step towards success because it is the deciding factor as to whether you would get to face the interviewer or not. It is not merely a piece of paper wherein you scribble your name, education and job experience.
Career in BPO in India!
Few years back, India was basking in international recognition as a lucrative business destination for foreign companies. With more and more companies outsourcing their key business processes to India, the BPO industry saw an unparalleled boom. This created countless employment opportunities for young graduates and professionals. It became a great career option for numerous young,…
Nine Useful Guidelines for a Perfect Resume Writing!
Writing a resume is the first step to get a job. A resume holds a very important role in getting a job. If it is not written and presented properly, you can face a immediate rejection whatever be your skills or qualification. Management gurus says that the resume is the basic tool which can help…