Most of the girls are crazy for great skins. They will do anything to get flawless skin. Here is a blog post written by Megha Bhola, one of my friend on 7 best fruits for great skin!
Ever looked at that girl on the magazine cover and got envious of her flawless skin? Do you also wish you could stop your skin from aging, but man, who can afford those expensive skin treatments? And above all, the moment you think your skin is no more a trouble-maker, right then it starts acting unnatural? If you ever catch yourself in the midst of these thoughts, cheer up, you’re not alone!
Pollution, dust, harmful UV radiations, and the chemicals we come in contact with, have no-doubtedly messed up our skin. The sad truth being, it has become an inevitable truth that we cannot completely escape them. These things will be more or less there but what we can definitely do is improve our lifestyle choices and take care of our skin a little more. So girls, stop calling your skin a victim of dust and pollutants when there is a lot you can do to make it oh-so-glowing and flawless!
7 Best Fruits For Great Skin!
You may not be born with the best skin and may have cursed your genes all your life, but, trust me on this, you can make a hell lot of a difference to your skin if you start making a little effort. All you gotta do is start paying attention to what you consume and what goes onto your skin. If your skin is literally screaming for help, I would suggest putting a full-stop to any chemicals and going all natural! Trust me again when I say this, the best way to replenish your skin is eating lots and lots of fruits, and also applying them in many forms. All it will take is 10-15 minutes of your day, and the results will be never-seen-before!
To know the best fruits for healthy skin, and those that guarantee maximum replenishment to your skin, and how you must eat or apply them, continue reading!
This is probably the cheapest and the most readily fruit available, and it will not be bragging if we say it to be the best remedy to almost every skin problem!
Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, which is a great antioxidant that flushes out toxins to cleanse our system from deep within. The first step to a clear skin is cleansing. And lemon is the best cleanser for not only your skin but your whole body. They also have tremendous bleaching properties, which is why they protect the skin from pigmentation, acne scars, dark spots, or keratinization. The best part about lemons is that they are so easy to consume and use. Read onto to find out the ways in which you can have and use them for a clear and glowing skin:-
- Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice in a glass of warm water and drink it every morning on an empty stomach. This will flush out the toxins from your body, which will do wonders for your skin.
- Make sure to consume a lot of lemon juice through your salad. Lemons are the best among fruits for clear skin.
- If you have dark spots, blemishes or acne scars, just dab a little amount of lemon juice onto your skin, and leave it for some time before you rinse it off. Do this twice every day and you will see a reduction in the appearance of spots and blemishes over time.
- For dark circles, you can mix a tablespoon of lemon with half a tablespoon of milk. Apply it on your under-eye area for 10 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.
Want a younger looking skin and want to delay the signs of aging? Your search stops right here!
Avocados, being rich in healthy fats, help retain skin’s elasticity and reduce inflammation. Also the lutein and zeaxanthin present in them protect the skin from UV radiations. Also, they are super rich in Vitamins such as Vitamin A, E, K, C, B6, niacin, folate, and pantothenic acid. Their antioxidant properties help reduce oxidative damage, thereby preventing any DNA damage
Can there be a better fruit? Guess not, right? Including avocados in your daily diet, can be wondrous for your skin. Here’s how to do it:-
- Include avocados in your breakfast and salad. Prepare healthy sandwiches, wraps, fruit cream or custard using them.
- Mix an avocado in yogurt and eat it in your breakfast or in the evening.
- Simply mash an avocado and apply it to your skin for 10 minutes. Rinse off gently. Do this twice or thrice a week.
- For people with oily skin, dip a piece of avocado in rose water and apply onto the skin.
Papaya is rich in Vitamins A, B, C, folate and Pantothenic acid. It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, copper, and magnesium. Also containing enzymes such as chymopapain and papain, they help in preventing skin damage. Papayas form an excellent aid in digestive disorders. Along with these, they also have amazing antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. One of the main causes behind your poor skin may be constipation, and papayas help a great deal in treating it. According to scientists, papayas can help cure wounds and skin ulcers. Along with this, they can help treat skin disorders such as eczema, corns, cutaneous tubercles, and warts.
Also, papayas tighten and firm the skin, thus you must make sure to include them in your beauty regime for a younger looking skin. How to use papayas to achieve great skin:
- Include papayas in your daily breakfast.
- Simply mash a piece of a papaya and gently apply it onto the skin. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. This will improve the skin’s elasticity and make the skin softer and supple.
- If you struggle with dry or flaky skin, mash a small piece of a papaya and mix it with some oil (preferably coconut or almond) and apply onto the skin every day.
- To treat pigmented or scarred areas, mix mashed piece of papaya with a half a tablespoon of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric.
- To exfoliate your skin, prepare a scrub with mashed papaya, honey, and dried orange peels. This will remove all the dead skin cells without making the skin dry and itchy.
Some of us are so fond of citrus fruits, we skip on eating bananas. But how many of us
Actually know how rich in nutrients is this simple fruit?
Bananas are loaded with dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, K, E, and folate, and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium and can be used as skincare sleeping face masks. It a boon for dry skin, as it a natural moisturizer and helps revitalize and nourish dry skin. Also, it has plenty of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Bananas are known to stop cell death, thus making your skin looks fresh and healthy. Bananas also aid in combating acne and prevent their further breakout. Including bananas in your beauty regime can bring about a great difference in your skin. It is one of the most effective fruits for glowing skin. Here’s how to use bananas for a fresher and younger looking skin:
- For instant softness, mash a small piece of banana and apply onto your face and neck. Rinse off with normal water after 10 minutes.
- Have 1-2 bananas every alternate day.
- Prepare a banana smoothie or banana shake and have it the morning or evening. For someone looking to gain weight, this will help in gaining optimum weight and will also ensure healthy skin care.
For all you working people, who get overexposed to direct sunlight, and pollution, pomegranate is a boon. This simple and delicious fruit contains a hell lot of helpful compounds that benefit us in fighting against the effects of UV rays. Not only its juice but also its peel, membrane, and seeds are super rich in antioxidants and ellagic acid, that protects the skin from UV-A and UV-B damage and skin pigmentation. Pomegranates also contain plenty of helpful vitamins like C, K, folate, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Also, pomegranate is known to increase the hemoglobin levels which will provide that pretty blush to your skin.
Besides, the regenerating properties of pomegranates can be judged from the fact that scientists have successfully regenerated human dermis and epidermis in the laboratory using pomegranate. To know how to get the most out of pomegranates to get healthy skin, read onto:
- Include one pomegranate in your daily diet. This will ensure that you get all the important nutrients necessary to fight harmful UV rays.
- Prepare smoothies, shakes, salads, fruit cream using pomegranate.
- Directly apply pomegranate juice on your face to get an instant glow. Rinse off after 10-15 minutes.
- People with dry skin can prepare a face pack with two tablespoons of pomegranate juice, one teaspoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon full of gram flour, and half a tablespoon of honey and some milk. This pack will gently cleanse your skin without leaving a dry effect.
- People with oily skin can prepare the same mask, but instead of adding honey and milk, they should add fuller’s earth.
Don’t mock your mom the next time she offers you cucumber to eat. As she says, it definitely is beneficial for your skin. The best part about a cucumber is its ever-so-fresh aroma which can make one feel super fresh without actually having to eat it. Cucumbers, being exceptionally high in water content, makes up for a dehydrated body. Especially during summers, it keeps our body hydrated and fresh. Also, it has a cooling effect on our body and can instantly cool down the body in summers. With their peels, cucumbers contain Vitamins C and K, dietary fiber, and possess several antioxidant properties as well. As per scientists, cucumbers can be prospectively used in reducing wrinkles and skin whitening too. For the same reason, and because of their cooling nature, they are popularly used in treating dark circles.
How to make the most of cucumbers for healthy skin:
- Eat lots of cucumbers throughout the day, especially during summers, to ensure proper hydration of your skin
- Prepare a hydrating and refreshing drink taking two cucumbers, two tablespoon lemon juice, some mint leaves, a pinch of salt and mix them in a grinder. It will cool down your body and will refresh you instantly.
- Apply a mixture of grated cucumber, a tablespoon full of both gram flour and coconut oil to on dry skin. This will hydrate the skin leaving it moisturized.
- Make a natural scrub by mixing grated cucumber, sugar, and lemon juice to get a softer and hydrated skin instantly.
Apart from its juicy pulp, all of us remember oranges for their vibrant bright color and the sweet orangish smell. But, they have more to them, apart from their color and smell. Like lemons, Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C too. In fact, 100 grams of oranges contain 50 milligrams of Vitamin C. Isn’t that the best news?
As we are aware by now, Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning oranges can help in preventing photodamage, DNA damage, oxidative damage and can reduce inflammation. They can aid in collagen synthesis as well.
Here’s how you must make oranges a part of your diet and beauty regime for the best results:
- Drink freshly prepared orange juice with the pulp once a day.
- If you have pigmentation problem, apply orange juice directly to the pigmented area. Rinse off after 10-15 minutes. Do this once every day.
- Sun-dry orange peels, grind them in a mixture to get a fine powder. Add two tablespoons of milk to apply it as a pack. This pack helps remove lighten dark spots and improves complexion.
- For people with dry skin, take 3 tablespoons of orange juice, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of turmeric, and one tablespoon of honey and use it as a pack.
- For people with oily skin, replace honey in the same pack with gram flour.
So, we have amped up our knowledge of how fruits are so great and beneficial for our skin. While fruits applied externally also benefit our skin a great deal, eating and consuming fruits have no substitute. Remember, a fruit consumed is worth two applied! So, buck up peeps, go and buy fresh seasonal fruits, eat lots of fruit creams, custards, drink their juices, smoothies, and shakes. And see your skin getting a great 360-degree turn! After all, A fruit a day keeps your skin happy all the way!!
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