Skills Required for Becoming a Digital Marketing Champ!

Skills Required for Becoming a Digital Marketing Champ!

Many people ask me about the skills required for becoming a Digital Marketer? Considering the same, here is my blog post on Skills Required for Becoming a Digital Marketing Champ!

Digital marketing is a booming industry. Everyone wants to become a digital marketer or wants to associate with a Digital Marketing person so that they can boost their business with the help of reaching up in Google Search. Check DesignRush Profile for Digital Engage agency services.

No doubt, internet usage is increasing day by day, and every business or website owner wants to reach to the top ranking in Google Search. If you are already running a business and you don’t own a website or presence on the internet, you are actually lacking something big.

When I joined this industry, the role which was being offered to me was of a Link Builder. Though I was not much aware of what Link Building is or what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is or anything related to Internet Marketing. But then after some time, I realized the depth of this field. I now completed around 14 years in the same industry. I saw many changes happening in the Digital Marketing industry. I saw the days when Penguin and Panda updates gave nightmare to SEOs. I saw people going crazy for Link Removal. I saw the days when people deleted all the duplicate content from their websites.

In India, there is a lack of awareness among people about the true essence of Digital Marketing. Many individuals hold the misconception that SEO professionals do not contribute much to the success of their business and only provide a hefty bill. Additionally, they tend to assume that achieving top rankings on Google search is effortless. However, this notion is often perpetuated by so-called SEO experts who use tactics that manipulate search results. These tactics may result in a website appearing at the top of Google search results for keywords that have little to no search volume or competition. Nevertheless, businesses can improve their online presence by utilizing 3D product rendering designs to showcase their products in an engaging and visually appealing way. To create an effective marketing strategy, an expert from Client Verge may help you.

So, just to tell you the truth, if you are coming to discuss a project with an SEO, never go with the one who claims or guarantee that he or she will bring your website to the first page of Google search within one month. You should leave the meeting immediately.

If you are planning to hire a person for digital marketing then you should first judge if the person knows the real meaning of Digital Marketing or not. You can go to MoneyEmpire to learn about the different tools that will help you better understand digital marketing.

Skills Required for Becoming a Digital Marketing Champ!

Coming back to our original discussion, many people during last 10 years asked me if there are some skill sets which are required to become a Digital Marketing Guru or Champ? Is there any skill sets which are required to become a Digital Marketer? Is there any skill sets which are compulsory to become an SEO?

Skills Required for Becoming a Digital Marketing Champ!

Here are my responses to them, read on this blog post of mine on Skills Required for Becoming a Digital Marketing Champ or Guru:


One of the vital skills which are required for becoming a Digital Marketing Champ is that the person should have the creative mind. One of the major skills required for becoming a Guru in this field is that you just need to come up with the solutions to common problems. Your website should have the ability to solve common problems of the users reaching there. The person should be able to bring new ideas to the table.


Adaptability is one of the best characteristics a person is required to have if they want to have a name in Digital Marketing field. As I said above that the person should be creative enough to bring new ideas, but it is not the only requirement, along with this the person should also be able to change plans at the drop of a hat. The person should be able to handle new challenges with determination and should not feel bored in doing so.

It is a field which is very dynamic. Things are bound to change every other day. The things which are bringing great results to you today might bring you bad results as well tomorrow. So you need to be adaptable enough to sustain the changes.

Analytics Skill

The person who wants to join Digital or Internet Marketing field should have the analytics skill with them. They should be able to analyze the large set of data and to bring outputs from them. They are required to analyze audience behavior, and measure ROI based on accessing campaign performance. And believe me, these are not easy to do things.

We have to go through the large set of data sets and sometimes through very less data as well, but then we will have to make sure that we can bring some inputs from them.


If you want to be a Good Digital Marketer then along with the above-mentioned skills, you are also required to be tech and basically internet friendly. You should have a Social Media presence, you should know the do and don’ts of Social Media, you should be able to access websites and apps on your smartphones, you should be able to understand how e-commerce sites work and you are capable enough to buy products online, you should also understand the day-to-day issues which we face while surfing internet and how can we get rid of those.

You know why I am saying these lines? In Digital Marketing field you are required to play with different tools. Be it Google Analytics, or Google Webmaster Tools, or Bing Webmaster Tools, or OSE, or SEMRush, or Moz Bar, or any other such tools, but you should know how to configure them to get results and then how to analyze the results obtained from there.

The person who wants to become a digital marketer should be resourcefulness and have the ability to collaborate on things.

Leadership Ability

The last, but not the least one. Leadership ability is very much required if you want to become a good digital marketer. When we say about leadership abilities, people normally consider that the person is required to lead and inspire their colleagues, with their insights, experience, and innovative ideas, but it is not all about that only. It is far more than that.

When I say that Leadership abilities are required, it means that the person has to work alone on projects and they need to go through different resources to make things movable.

The person should be able to motivate themselves and never feel defeated. This is the core of becoming a Digital Marketer.

Along with the above-mentioned skills, one more thing which is required from the digital marketing aspirants is to understand the content and should understand the role of content in SEO and Social Media. Not only that the person should be able to follow best practices and loyal enough to follow the White-Hat Techniques only. Always remember, it is not your qualification which can bring success to you in Digital Marketing field, but it is the soft and hard Skills inside you and the uses of White-Hat Techniques which will bring success in this field.

You might get some temporary success with Black-Hat Techniques, but in long run, you will have to fail because of that. So if you think you do have these abilities then you are most welcome to become a digital marketer. If you need a guide, you can anytime contact me with your aspirations and I will certainly help you out to become a Digital Marketer.

Did I forget something? Yes, I deliberately didn’t write a much-required skill set in this blog post. Can you predict what it should be? Well, you all can share your opinion about the point which I missed in this blog post and that too I did deliberately. Predict what it is, and do let me know about it as well. Even you can share your opinion about this blog post, no matter if you didn’t like it, you are even welcome to share your negative opinion about something which I wrote here.

So, I would wait for the point which I missed here.


6 responses to “Skills Required for Becoming a Digital Marketing Champ!”

  1. MeenalSonal Avatar

    We always learn a lot from your posts. I can’t deny that when we(MeenalSonal) started blogging, we always looked upto your tips.
    Thankyou Alok for your amazing and simple to understand posts 🙂

    MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts

    1. Thanks a lot Meenal. It is truly a great compliment for me. Such comments are really inspirational for me to write further…

  2. Amrita Avatar

    Adaptability can make or break the digital marketer.Important post to read in todays setup.

    1. Thank you so much Amrita 🙂

  3. A very informative post.
    14 years in the industry is a big big time. Wishing you many more years.

    1. Thank you so much Mansi 🙂

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