CAT Preparation Tips & Tricks!

CAT (IIM) Preparation Tips & Tricks!

IIM’s are considered to be one of the most prestigious colleges in India, getting admissions in any of the IIM college in India is considered as a status symbol for parents. Here is one of my blog on CAT Preparation Tips & Tricks.

CAT, which is the short form of Common Aptitude Test, is the entrance door for IIM’s. You cannot fulfil your dream of reaching to Indian Institute of Management unless you clear CAT with a good percentile. I know that getting admission into one of the prestigious IIM or to any other top-rated B Schools is the dream for most of the students in India. The main reason of such aspirations is the pay-packet which the students of these colleges get even before completing their studies.

CAT Preparation Tips & Tricks!
CAT Preparation Tips & Tricks!

CAT Preparation Tips & Tricks!

Although, in India CAT and IIT JEE (Indian Institute of Technology – Joint Entrance Exam) are considered to be the toughest entrance exams, and to be very honest cracking CAT or IIT JEE is not at all an easy task. Who thinks it is easy to crack these exams, is must be an over-achiever himself/herself, and so they think in this way.

For an average students like me, cracking CAT exams is like climbing to the Mount Everest. Normally we cannot do so, similarly we cannot crack CAT exams, and it is the normal perception. But if you determine strongly, nobody can stop you to crack it too.

The application process for CAT 2017 is already started, and you can give the test on the first week of December.

How to prepare for CAT?

The key behind getting success in CAT examinations is Your Passion and Determination, if you have a passion to reach to the IIM, and you are determined enough to reach there, no one is going to stop you to achieve your dream.

Command over Syllabus

Not many people are aware about the syllabus of CAT examinations. So, if you are serious about cracking CAT, then the first thing which you need to do is to get familiar with the CAT syllabus, and its exam patterns.


Reading is always a very beneficial thing, but when you are preparing for CAT you should always select the best book related with CAT preparation. Never divulge yourself with the low quality and irrelevant study material.

Studying Sample Papers

Solving sample papers are the key to crack CAT exams. Always do as much practice as you can in solving sample papers for CAT.

Mock Tests

Solving sample papers, or reading study materials are not enough which can make you eligible to crack the CAT exams. Mock tests are something which can give you the desired confidence to clear it out.

Take Tips from Experts

Guidance from experts is very much needed to crack the CAT exams. Experts can actually guide you with the simplest tricks which can help you to crack the CAT.

Here are some of the recommended books which you can read:




One important thing which I forget to mention above is about having the knowledge of CAT Cutoff, which is actually required to develop confidence in your ability to crack it.


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