Why Blogging is Important in Our Life?

Why Blogging is Important in Our Life?


11 responses to “Why Blogging is Important in Our Life?”

  1. Bindu Cherungath Avatar
    Bindu Cherungath

    Alok, loved reading this post as always… U r selfless in sharing. God bless..

  2. yogi saraswat Avatar
    yogi saraswat

    The moment I started using self hosted blogs, I never turned back towards having a BlogSpot or WordPress.com blogs. From last 2-3 years many bloggers came into my life and became a part of my blogging journey. For them I became a friend, guide, teacher, philosopher and many more, as I am the person who feel happy in helping others to achieve their own goals.

    As far as blogging is concerned, it always gives me happiness to help others to become a great blogger. So you can truly understand why blogging is important in my life, although I am creating this post for the sake of some benefits and importance of blogging in our life. It is always a good sign to have a good teacher in your life or in a particular field. Here you are for blogging and a better teacher to teach about blogging , its improvements . You said right that earning money should be the last in our list since I personally think that If you are writting for money only your creativity , your originality remains back . what a useful post. Thnx Alok Ji

  3. Girija Avatar

    Couldn’t agree more .. Loved reading this post … Thanks ..

  4. Untraveled Routes Avatar
    Untraveled Routes

    You have great points listed here. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Another beautiful post Alok. Blogging indeed let us explore our boundaries, gain more knowledge from different bloggers through their writing. It’s a beautiful world – Real / Honest than FB 🙂 I am loving it. Have a good week ahead 🙂

  6. You know why I love blogging, because it takes me places!

  7. For me blogging is more then a job. it’s a passion for me. I could tell people about my passion for Fashion.
    Another great post Alok.
    Thanks to share

  8. Good one Alok. From the time I started blogging, I have really started to have immense amount of respect towards it. The number of people it can touch and the difference we can make is simply astounding.

    Although I still have a long long long way to go, I am thoroughly enjoying being a part of this lovely community.

  9. Anoop Gupta Avatar
    Anoop Gupta

    Great post Alok. It is always inspiring to read about the journey and thought process of successful bloggers. The joy of giving is immense. And what better option than blogging to connect with people who need your help.

  10. Important points, Alok 🙂

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