5 Predictions About Blogging Industry in 2015!

5 Predictions About Blogging Industry in 2015!


25 responses to “5 Predictions About Blogging Industry in 2015!”

  1. Nice post..:)

    Please check my new post and rate:


  2. Bindu Cherungath Avatar
    Bindu Cherungath

    Excellent write up Alok. U bring so much tips to bloggers … God bless… Keep writing…

    1. Thank you so much Bindu ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Very informative write-up Alok!

    1. Thanks a lot Archana ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. It is needless to say that you have delivered another enriching article.Yes content is the king and with ever changing articles I must say you have to put your best foot forward in creating informative and lengthy blogs that are not repetative.

    1. Absolutely right Datta. Thank you so much for appreciating ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Thank you for the insights. I too feel brand collaboration in on the rise and so is the number of bloggers. It is so much fun!

    1. Absolutely correct Mridula ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks a lot for your comment over here.

  6. yogi saraswat Avatar
    yogi saraswat

    The only thing which is required from bloggers is their professional approach towards blogging. Try to develop content for your blog in a professional manner, try to develop the look and feel of your blog in a professional way. very informative post indeed . you are being Guru of the blogging shri Alok ji. I feel fortunate that I have a chance to read you. The points you describe are really workable .

    1. Thank you so so much Yogi Saraswat jee, in fact it is my fortune that my blog have readers like you. Thank you so much for appreciating myself…

  7. Nice post and I am glad you talked about good content. I generally see bloggers lack that and many just post anything for the sake of increasing posts. Another thing that made me happy brands will collaborate but in the same context bloggers must be paid rightly too.

    1. Absolutely correct Manjulika. It is also a fact that brands don’t compensate bloggers in right proportion, but it all depends on how good a blogger can negotiate and had built his blog in a professional way. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Very precise predictions Alok. I agree with all your points.

    1. Thank you so much Vishal ๐Ÿ™‚ I am glad that you liked it….

  9. instructive as always

    1. Thank you so much Arora sir ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Informative post!

    (1) can you please write the acceptable %age of the bounce rate?
    Mine has gone up from 6% to 60% recently, the website is http://www.adityagreens.com
    (2) I request you to please brief about my website like its quality of content and length of the articles.



    1. Hi Yash, first of all, there is not such thing which you can claim as acceptable percentage of bounce rate. Let me tell you it all depends on your own site. If your website is a one page website and selling some product of third party website, and it is getting millions of traffic, but the bounce rate of the same will be certainly 100%, but it will be good for you.

      On the other hand a visitor is visiting your site, and clicking on some ads and disappears, it will certainly increase your bounce rate, but it will also increase your earning which you will love too.

      So the point is it all depends on each individual website, though less than 60% is considered as a decent value.

      In your case when I found that it increase from 6% to 60%, the first thing which came into my mind is that your website must be displaying two blocks of code of Google Analytics, and in fact it is true too. As far as I checked your site, I found two blocks of the same Analytics accounts code placed on your site. It is the reason why it is showing so low. I would request you to remove one block of codes and then see the real value.

      If it is certainly 60% from 6% then it is a serious matter of concern for you, but if it is because of that error, then you should rectify it and see the real results.

      Will certainly brief you about your website soon. Thanks for visiting my site and sharing your comment with us.

  11. A very useful post Alok. Nice to know that blogging is treated as an industry and the predictions look really good for what I would like to focus on in the near future. I am still struggling to get my site up on google and make it appear more often, guess I need to make a more focussed approach on it. Monetizing is a good thing cos it keeps the energy going and makes us focus on it better. I am still struggling to get there, but also kinda enjoying the process. Still would love to make it big on the traffic front though ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Very interesting post.. let us see how the blogging industry takes shape. One thing I hope is that brands start taking bloggers seriously and engage for promotions as professionals and not as freebie or favor.

    1. Thank you Prasad.

  13. Vinayak SP Avatar
    Vinayak SP

    I am joyful to read this post, its an attractive one. Thanks for this amazing post… I am always searching for quality posts and articles and this is what I found here, I hope you will be adding more in future. Thanks..

    1. Thank you so much Vinayak. I too hope so. ๐Ÿ™‚

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