Can I use Meta Description in Tags?

Can I use Meta Description in Tags?

One question which I encountered a few days back and which made me silent was can we use Meta Description in tags? Read on this blog post of mine to understand can I use Meta Description in tags?

Are you aware about Tags and Meta Description? Well first let me tell you about both of them separately.

Can I use Meta Description in Tags?
Can I use Meta Description in Tags?

Meta Description

I guess if you are a bit aware about Search Engine Optimization or SEO then I am sure you are also aware of the term Meta Tags. These are a group of tags to define any web page and it mainly includes Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords, and it is meant for search engines, to let them know about the purpose of that particular web page.

These days mostly people ignore using Meta Keywords, but Meta Description along with Title tags means a lot for any web page, as these were the two which shows itself in search results and based on which user decide if they want to visit your web page or not? So you can easily understand its importance.

Normally it is a short description of any web page and it is considered that Google consider its length to be of less than 160 characters only.


What is a tag then? I guess you must not be confusing it with the Meta Tags, which we discussed above.

When it comes about blogging, along with the options of categories there is one more option to categorize your blog post and it is of tags. Normally it is being considered that a particular article or blog may belong to a single category but can be categorized in different tags, based on which user can be able to search them on your website or blog.

So ideally, you can say that tags are the important keywords of your blog or article based on which if someone searches on your blog then this particular post which is tagged with it should come into display.

Can I use Meta Description in Tags?

When a person first asked me this question I became a bit silent for few seconds, reason being I never thought it in this way. We normally has used the title of the post in the tags, which certainly don’t have more than 60 or 65 characters, but when a person is asking you to make a 160 characters long sentence as the tag of your blog, what will be your reaction?

What do you say about it, I guess a few blog readers of mine who are good into SEO will definitely share their opinion about it that can we use Meta Descriptions in tags or not?

As far as my response is considered I replied to the gentleman that no, it would not look good if we place such a long sentence into the tags field of a blog, as it will look spammy and cheap as well. Mostly if a person is going to search on a particular site, maximum keywords which he or she is going to use is either of 5 words, or 6 words. I don’t think someone is going to search for a sentence in any particular blog, so there is no point in making Meta Description as the tag of that particular blog.

But then if you see the search trends on Google and other search engines, you will realize that people use to search for long-long sentences in those search engines. If they can do so in search engines, then why not on your blog, they might search for long sentences on any blog too?

In that case if a blog is not displayed in search results, how the user will gonna reach to your blog post?

Though I replied no to the question, but somewhere these things were coming in my mind, and which was confusing me. This is the reason why I thought to blog on it and let us hear the opinion of others. After all what can be the pros and cons of using Meta Description as the tags of your blog? Please do reply or share your opinion with us in the form of comments below.


18 responses to “Can I use Meta Description in Tags?”

  1. An excellently written post. Well long tailed titlee has its advantage but 160 charcters is too long. a keyword is max as yous aid 5 to 6 words long. Include it in titile its no more than 60 to 65 character. Long tags can earn the bad name of a spam as well. Its better to avoid them I guess.

    1. You are absolutely right Datta πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing your opinion with us.

  2. I am not particularly sure Alok. I mean I have got my posts on the search engine sometimes cos the searched term has been same as what I have used in my meta description or in the article. My thought is – the meta description is a smaller version of your entire post. If the reader is searching for something and this is matched against the meta description then it is pretty awesome.

    Having said that, since I use yaost, they ask for a focus keyword and for good seo practices it is said that I have to use the focus keyword in the metadescription as well. So I guess it makes sense having only one tag in that , the one tag which we think matters most. If we do too much of it, it becomes repetitive, but maybe having that focus word makes sense..

    1. Absolutely right buddy, but are you sure that people searches for meta description in Google and lands to your site? I have a doubt about it.

      1. Not very sure about it Alok.. But sometimes it has landed there, as in – in those posts my wordings were different and I kinda felt that they came through the meta description.. Of course they both were related though.. So I am not very sure,..

        1. I do agree Vinay that people were searching for long tail keywords, but I seriously doubt that they will search for such a long sentence. πŸ™‚

  3. To answer this question – I think it makes sense to have keyword in meta description but the other way round would just be repetitive and redundant. Might not make most sense..

    1. Hmm, I guess you are right.

  4. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder Avatar
    Maniparna Sengupta Majumder

    I think I use short ones..though I’m not very sure.. you know me, almost blind about such technicalities πŸ˜›

    I learnt a lot from you… πŸ™‚

    1. πŸ™‚ That is a great complement for me Maniparna. I am really glad that I have been able to teach something to you πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for this honor. πŸ™‚

  5. Lengthy tags surely does not look good, small and apt are what tags meant for.

    1. Absolutely correct Meenal πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for sharing your opinion with us.

  6. Still figuring out the details of Blogging, Alok.
    I am not aware of so much info like Meta-tags πŸ™‚

    1. Hmmm, I guess soon you will know all of them πŸ™‚

  7. Agree with your opinion on meta description in tags. Tags are mainly for grouping and organizing blog posts. It is not always possible to create too specific categories as it will clutter the blog. But one can be more specific with tags. For example, I can categorize my India travel blog with the names of states I have travelled. But it is not possible to create a category for every city, town and village I visit. In that case I can use keywords in form of tags to further specify my post. It will help readers to find posts on that particular topic in my blog. However, as far as I know about WordPress it does not appreciate too many tags. So it is better to keep tags short and specific to avoid spamming.

    1. Absolutely correct Moon, very much delighted that you liked it and shared you opinion with us. Thank you so much πŸ™‚

  8. No, I feel meta description is too long and certainly cannot be used in tags for the reasons you have shared above.

    1. Absolutely correct Rachna, thanks for sharing your opinion and supporting my point of view… πŸ™‚

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