WordPress Vs. Blogger

Why to Use WordPress over Blogger?

As bloggers are familiar about different blogging platform, one question which I randomly encounter is about using WordPress is better or Blogger one? Read on this blog post of mine on why to use WordPress over blogger? People can also check out consider hiring Renewal Digital, for the best wordpress advice. 

If you are an experienced blogger then I am quite sure that you too encountered with this question a few times. Many newbie blogger wanted to know about which blogging platform they should choose? I guess my readers can easily predict my response for this question and it is quite obviously WordPress.

WordPress Vs. Blogger
WordPress Vs. Blogger

I do love WordPress and I am not the one who does so. If you go by 10 bloggers, you will find around 6 of them are using wordpress.org. Mind it when I say WordPress it simply means the self-hosted WordPress option which we can get from wordpress.org only and not from wordpress.com. Let me first give you all about an idea about different types of blogging platform available with us.

Different Blogging Platforms

As I mention in different blog posts of mine you can get following common options for managing blog:


Obviously one of the most popular and common blogging platforms is Blogger. It is being owned by Google and this being one of the most common reasons why people love it. When it comes about creating blogs for free, the first and automatic choice of different people is Blogger only. It gives you a free sub-domain type of structure for your blog and it will be something like yourblogname.blogspot.com


When it comes about a powerful yet simple CMS or content management system, the first choice of many experienced bloggers are WordPress only. When we talk about WP it provides two options, one is from wordpress.com which is more or less similar to Blogger concept, free and provides sub-domain types of blog. On the other hand WordPress also has the most powerful blogging option and that is through wordpress.org which provides you the self-hosted and customized domain name blog.

In my opinion the wordpress.org one is the best option among all other available blogging options. You can also read my blog on wordpress.com or Self Hosted WordPress – which one is better?

P.S. do remember that you can get customized domain names with either blogger or wordpress.com too. Don’t forget to read my blogs on how to move BlogSpot blog to your own domain name or how to get a customized domain name for wordpress.com blogs?


When I discuss about different blogging platforms; my friend Ravish claims that I always ignore Tumblr in it. So let me tell you about yet another simple and quite popular blogging platform. It is quite popularly known for re-blogging purposes and this is the reason why I not much like it.

Although you cannot ignore Tumblr when it comes about different blogging platforms options available to us.

Why to Use WordPress over Blogger?

Let me tell you about why?

WordPress Vs. Blogger

One of the most common discussion among bloggers is on which one is better, WordPress or Blogger? Here in this blog I will let you know about the features which make WordPress the most popular blogging platform of the world.

Look of Your Blog

When it comes with the look of your blog, WordPress provides so many options with its huge database of themes and templates that you can never feel sort of ideas for your blog. On the other hand blogger has very limited options available with them as far as the look of your blog is concerned.

Functionality of Your Blog

Do you know that it is the use of plugins which can provide different sorts of functionality to your blog? When it comes about plugins, WordPress do have so many free and premium plugins that you can play with them on your website and make them lucrative one.

SEO Friendly

Yesterday only I came up with a blog on is WordPress SEO Optimized? You must read it so that you can understand the differences between SEO friendly and optimized CMS. Frankly speaking WP is one of the SEO friendly blogging platform and this being the reason why many experienced bloggers are using it.

For the SEO purposes also you can get many plugins which can make your life simpler.

Professional Approach

If you know how to play with themes and plugins, you can easily be able to develop any type of website with the help of WordPress. On the other hand I am doubtful if you can develop a corporate website from Blogger, while with WP you can also develop an entirely eCommerce website as well.

So what are you waiting for? If you are planning to start a new blog always go for WordPress one. If you already have one and if it is developed on WordPress and that too on wordpress.org one, then it is quite good, else you must need to think about upgrading it to this one.

You can also read my blog on top 7 reasons why you should use WP and here are a few blogs which can help you to upgrade your existing blog:

How to Transfer Your Blogger Blog to Self Hosted WordPress Blog?

How to Transfer a WordPress.com Blog to Self Hosted WordPress?


6 responses to “Why to Use WordPress over Blogger?”

  1. I for one will always be a staunch supporter of wordpress over blogger. Although I had a brief stint with blogger, I find wordpress way easier and user friendly. And after I came to know that it is SEO friendly too, there was no going back.

    1. You are absolutely right Vinay that WP is far better than blogger. 🙂 Thank you so much for supporting and liking my blog post.

  2. WordPress comes as a clear winner in CMS platform. Though I am on blogger, it is evident that wordpress is more user firendly. Infact it has lead the pack with numerous high ranking sites choosing the option.While blogger remains for blogging wordpress has cultivated its place in websites leaving drupal and joomla. Your post is a breeze and comprehensiove one for even those who are not into technology. Loved it

    1. Absolutely right Datta, thank you so much for sharing your opinion about WordPress and Blogger. It is undoubtedly true that WP is far better than Blogger.

  3. Hi Alok,

    Ever since I have launched my blog I have got this suggestion to move it to WordPress if I’m serious about blogging. Frankly I didn’t like the undertone about ‘not being serious about blogging.’

    Leaving that topic, now that I have recently moved one of my blogs to self hosted, I can understand why everyone’s such a huge fan of the platform. It’s amazing to operate and I’m having fun customizing it! 🙂

    But if I have to pick between free platforms then I will say Blogger is much better than WP. I have a free account on WP and it’s not that smooth to operate. And there are no plug-ins, I’m still getting over that discovery. 😀 Thankfully, I don’t have to operate it as I created it to know what WP is like.

    And Tumblr…I still have no idea what to do there. 😀

    1. Thank you so much Priya for your support. You are absolutely right that blogger is far better if you compare it to the free version of WordPress, i.e. from wordpress.com but then when you start comparing it with wordpress.org one it certainly fails apart.

      With free version of WP you won’t ever get many plugins and freedom to work for your blog.

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