Things Required to Do After Installing WordPress!

Things Required to Do After Installing WordPress!

We sometimes forget to do so many small things which can become embarrassing later on, when it comes to install WordPress. Here are some things required to do after installing WordPress.

The readers of my blog are already aware about the fact that WordPress is the most popular blogging platform and widely used by many experienced bloggers. Some inexperienced and immature bloggers like me too prefer using WordPress only for my blogs.

Things Required to Do After Installing WordPress!
Things Required to Do After Installing WordPress!

Although when we install wordpress, there are somethingโ€™s which we forget to set up. These happen because of sheer ignorance, otherwise these things are quite clear and nobody should ever forget setting them up. Here is the checklist which can guide you to do the basic settings after installing WordPress.

Things Required to Do After Installing WordPress!

Those who are not aware about how to install WordPress from can actually read this blog post of mine, though these days WordPress is being installed in a slight different way, though the basics remains the same which I illustrated in this blog. I will soon going to update this blog post with the latest techniques used by WordPress these days.

And those who donโ€™t want to follow the traditional way to install WordPress can also follow this blog of mine on how to install WordPress quickly, so that they can be able to quickly install WordPress on their site. You can also check my blog on things to consider when choosing a WordPress hosting, it is one of the most important post you should look if you are seriously looking towards developing a WordPress site.

No matter which path you decided to go, you will reach to the same destination. You will have a blog or site ready with you, and the things which you provided while installing the same are your site title (though optional), an username, the admin email id, and the password.

Thus you can do login to your admin panel with the help of these things. Here comes the thing which you need to setup now so that you cannot feel embarrassed in front of your readers.

Change the Tagline

This is something which any of your readers will be able to see it. When they will open your website, the first thing which will come into their notice is the โ€œYet Another WordPress Siteโ€ which will come with your site name.

The first thing which you should do is to go the settings and General sub menu and in a few words you can explain what your new site is all about. It will be featured into Tagline section. You can delete the default options if you have not yet decided about anything.

You can also change the title of your website from here, if you have not provided it while installing the site; we assume you provided it while installing the site only.

Changing the Permalink

Changing the permalink is the most important thing. You should be careful while doing so. It is not like that you cannot change them in future, you can anytime make changes in it, but once you have the site ready with so many posts, it will be a tedious task to change the link structure, as it might cause some broken links for your website, which is harmful as far as the SEO of your website is concerned.

So I would suggest you all to decide about a permanent URL structure for your website and do stick with it permanently. You can either chose the post-name as the permalink, or you can also chose date along with it. When you click the permalinks subheading of your settings section, you will get something like:

  • Default /?p=123
  • Day and name /2015/02/09/sample-post/
  • Month and name /2015/02/sample-post/
  • Numeric /archives/123
  • Post name /sample-post/

And Custom as well.

Depending on your own requirement you can select the option which you want for your website. Remember choosing default is not an ideal way of setting the permalinks of your website.

Installing Important Plugins

Although I am writing a blog on some important and must have plugins, but since that post is not ready, so let us tell you some important plugins which you must need to install while you finish installing your website. It includes the plugin like W3 Total Cache, or WP Super Cache for clearing the cache of your WordPress site, Akismet, for protecting the site from comment spams, and any SEO plugins like Yoast, or All in One.

I will discuss about these plugins in the upcoming blog post of mine. You can subscribe to my blog to know about when it will come live.

Setting Social Media Sharing Icons

By default all your social media icons will have a link to #, which is embarrassing for your readers. So you must need to configure them properly so that if someone clicks on them should land to the proper place.

So these were some of the basic things which you must need to do whenever you install a new WordPress site. You can also delete the unused themes of your site from the Appearance section of your admin panel. And yes donโ€™t forget to set up the backup procedure for your new site. It is very important.

Do share your feedback about this blog post of mine in the form of comments below.


23 responses to “Things Required to Do After Installing WordPress!”

  1. I have a simpler solution. Contact Alok Vats for your website management and you will be safe hands ๐Ÿ™‚ ..

    1. Yeah! I think so Vinay ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Thank you so much Sasidhar bro for pulling my legs ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Aww, thank you so much buddy ๐Ÿ™‚ It is your kindness that you are saying such words. Though I am fully aware of my own abilities, I am a newbie in the website management thing, and at level zero. Will learn so many things during my journey.

  2. LOL … I am in agreement with Vinay.

    1. Lol, you people are making fun of mine now Kokila. ๐Ÿ™‚ I guess I am becoming older day by day with such comments ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Nickk Bisht Avatar
    Nickk Bisht

    Hey Alok!
    When I was new to wordpress I used to search for all the related articles you just mentioned here . As now I am done with it I am going to recommend your post to my friends as some of them are planning for their first blog. These are really good tips.
    Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. Thank you so much Nickk Bisht for appreciation ๐Ÿ™‚ I am extremely delighted that you liked them.

  4. I too agree with Vinay. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Lol Namrata, you too started pulling my legs ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Ever helpful as usual Alok! Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much Kalpanaa ๐Ÿ™‚ The pleasure is entirely mine.

  6. yogi saraswat Avatar
    yogi saraswat

    I m taking help of your posts and slowly slowly Designing my blog. I dont know your posts are how much beneficial for others but I m getting a lot from your side. Thnx again

    1. Thank you so much Yogi jee ๐Ÿ™‚ I am feeling so proud of myself ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Nice article.. good to know about your articles and the information you present here.

    1. Thank you so much Shruti, I am extremely delighted that you liked them. Thank you so much for connecting and for your comment over here ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Somvir Singh Avatar
    Somvir Singh

    I am also new in blogging and trying to take a solution from your blog. my site is based on Indian Govt Jobs / Sarkari Naukri updating. Thanks for posting.

    1. Thank you so much Somvir, I am glad that you liked my posts.

  9. One thing is for sure, when I start my WordPress journey this April, this site is going to be bookmarked all the time! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks a lot Alok!

    1. Thank you so much Tanishq. I am extremely delighted that you liked my blogs so much. I would be happy to help you in anyway to establish your blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Useful post for those who runs their website on WordPress.

    Alok, I nominated you for Most Inspiring Blogger Award. You can view your nomination here:

    1. Thank you so much Vishal, I am extremely delighted that you liked my blog post so much and considered my blog for this prestigious award. Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I wish there was a like button to the comments. I see my name mentioned so many times here that I am tempted to like them all ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€

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