How to Earn from Your Blog through Google Adsense?

How to Earn from Your Blog?

Many bloggers want to earn through their blog. Out of so many advertisement programs available on net, Google Adsense is being considered as the best. Read on this blog post of mine on how to earn from your blog through Google Adsense?

Although I have already written about topics like how can you earn from your blog, how to make money from blogging (actually one more post on same topic as well), etc. but I did not mentioned about Google Adsense in any of the posts.

How to Earn from Your Blog through Google Adsense?
How to Earn from Your Blog through Google Adsense?

Although I have mentioned about Google Adsense in so many blog post posts of mine, but never thought to write an entire post on it only. The idea came into my mind a few days back only, when I reached to this blog post of one of my blogger friends Tomichan Matheikal: Ad free Blog.

To be very frank, I am a big fan of his writing and follow his blog since a long time. Although this blog post by him on Google Adsense was not something which would suggest that Google Adsense is not a reliable method of earning; though I have gone through many posts in the past questioning about the reliability on Google Adsense.

Honestly recently I came through this post on Business Insider, in which a few companies are claiming that Google’s Search Ad Policies Cost This Company $1 Million. While another post is there on the same site which you might read about: An Insider Told Us Why Google Takes Millions From Web Sites Who Break Its Rules.

Although there are many instances in which the integrity of Google is being challenged by different companies, which claims that Google out of sudden stopped displaying ads on their site and soon their site had to face a huge financial crisis because of it.

I am no way supporting Google by this blog post, but honestly I am also a Google Adsense Publisher, and honestly by mistake I too violated a few guidelines, but in that case I frankly received intimation from them and I rectified the said things according to their instructions and the things were fine.

To be very frank, one of the managed by me only, got disabled by the Adsense program way back in the year 2007 only. Honestly I did understand the real reason behind that ban and never complained about it, though the amount which I lost due to it was too less (around $237) compared to millions.

As I normally say so many times; that we human beings learn from our mistakes and we should not ever repeat them in our life. The same I applied to Google Adsense program as well, and believe me I am still learning so many things in my life.

How to Earn from Your Blog?

Let us get back to our original discussion. I am not going to discuss about how to apply for Google Adsense program, or how to get an approval from Google Adsense program over here. Frankly I can write two new posts on these two topics. But those are some things which might come in New Year now. Right now I am concerned about discussing about the best practices or ways which can help your blog or site to earn more and more from this program.

No doubt that Google Adsense is one of the most popular make money programs, and frankly this is something which is having the key role behind making Google the number one website. Honestly anyone can earn through it, if they do have a site or blog.

The major concern with this program is that people wonโ€™t be able to earn decent amount through it. This is something which decreases the morality of many bloggers or site owners. I wonโ€™t have any hesitation in saying this thing that many a times bloggers do made mistakes when it comes to earn from their blog and then they do blame on Google about foul play. Frankly speaking my blogger friend Tomichan Matheikal realized it that his niche is not something which can return him some decent amount from Google, and decided to make his blog an ad free place.

Though I no way claim that he, or blogger like him who writes on topics which are not considered as a money making topic, wonโ€™t be able to earn through this program; Certainly they too can earn from it, but yes their income from this program will always remain less than those who write on topics like Finance, Technology and Gadgets, etc.

Here are a few things which can help you to earn from your blog with the help of Google Adsense, which is one the most popular program:

Choose Niche Wisely

Niche plays the most important role in earning from Google Adsense program. Honestly it can also be an important factor behind the approval or disapproval of your application for the same.

To be very frank, if you are writing on topics like personal opinions, or something which not many people are searching, be sure not to earn more from those things. Try to grab things which mostly people at US, UK or Canada search upon.

Choose domains wisely and start writing based on the niche which you decided earlier. Frankly an idea of starting a blog like I News India is also a mistake. You cannot be able to earn huge amounts through such general blogs. In fact niches like Finance, Health, Technology, Blogging, etc. are some of the high profit making niches.

Have a Professional Approach

By a professional approach I simply mean a blog or site which has the feeling of providing some value to its readers. When it comes about professional approach, the first thing which comes into our mind is free domain names, or hosting.

If you are running a blog on blogspot or Blogger, or or any such free medium, donโ€™t expect people to take your blog seriously. I might be harsh with these lines, but frankly neither search engines nor any reader takes your free blogs seriously.

It is not like that you cannot earn from these free blogs or you cannot be a power blogger if you are using free blogs, but it will require too much of efforts to get the ball rolling.

This being the reason why I always suggest others to have their own self hosted blog; there is absolutely no point in wasting your talent on free blogs.

Frankly if you are not accepting these things (own customized domain name and self hosting site) you are actually wasting your energy on blogging.

Do SEO of Your Site

SEO or search engine optimization is the term which helps you to optimize your site from search engineโ€™s point of view. Honestly I am not at all supportive about it being a prime factor as far as increasing your earning from Google Adsense is concerned.

But yes, it is also a fact that SEO plays a vital role in bringing relevant traffic to your website, making it keyword focused and engaging. So indirectly it plays a very important role in increasing income from Google Adsense.

Try to optimize your site or blog for long tail keywords, and keywords or phrases being searched in countries like US, UK and Canada.

Traffic Sources

As I mentioned many a times above in this post only that traffic from countries like US, UK, and Canada is crucial behind increasing earning on your website through Google Adsense program. Honestly traffic sources are one of the vital factors if you are not getting good income from your blog or site.

If you are getting huge traffic from US, UK then your site will suppose to earn more than blogs or sites which are getting major traffic from India, like mine. Along with it, traffic from search engines, also gives a boost to your earnings, and hence the importance of SEO is still there in the market.

Do Realize Your Strength

No matter if it is about earning online or in your real life; but one thing is for sure, if you are not enjoying what you are doing on, or if you are not earning from things you are good at, you wonโ€™t be able to expect huge success from it.

It is the fact of our life that we should try to realize our own strength first before doing anything. I frankly realized that I am good at writing on blogging tips and SEO tips and you will realize that throughout the year 2014 most of my posts are on these topics only. To be very frank, this blog post of mine is the last blog post which I am planning to publish on I News India, and see it is also on blogging tips only.

So these were some of the things which can help you to earn more from Google Adsense. Although I did not mentioned about the patience which is badly required while you are developing your blog, but honestly if you want to earn from Google Adsense, then wear this jewelry of patience and soon you will get the results.

Please do share your opinion about this blog post of mine. I will wait for your comments.


21 responses to “How to Earn from Your Blog?”

  1. Happy new year Alok :).. I liked this post. I am also trying to increase my revenues via google ads. Although I must say that so far the revenue is still below 100, I still haven’t reached a day where my ad earning has crossed 1USD per day. This might be cos most of my search results are coming from India.

    Having said that, I would really like to understand about the ad placements. You have seen the ad placements of mine and I was wondering if there was a better way to place them to monetize and use it more effectively. A post on ad placements will be of great help in this regard ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you so much buddy and happy new year to you as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

      See you are absolutely true that since major portion of the visitors of your website are coming from India, your income is certainly less. I would suggest you something today which can help you with the ad placement. Your first block of ads are impressive but I think the best one which can return you the maximum is in between the content.

      1. Do you know Alok what I hate most while reading someones blog? The ads between the content. I often think why people put ads between the content! Aren’t they giving way the traffic out in mid of an article? I mean you put call to action(CTA) at the end of your article put ads in mid; what if someone click the ad put between the content and move out of your blog without reaching its end – your CTA?

        1. Actually Alok, I think I have observed the same as pointed by Ravish, sometimes even I find it a little distracting. So I ran an experiment on my site placing the ad in between the content. The ad revenue dropped drastically to half. Instead, I have placed it at the bottom now which has actually started giving more returns. Maybe it depends on the theme also I guess..

          1. You are absolutely correct Vinay, as far as earning from Google Adsense is concerned we should regularly do change the placement and see the perfect working combination on our site…

        2. Hmm, you are right about it Ravish…

  2. Rohan Chaubey Avatar
    Rohan Chaubey

    Hi Alok sir,

    I am too thinking about a custom domain and applying for Adsense. This guide will help me. Thanks for that.

    Happy New Year. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Rohan Chaubey.

    1. At Google+ you commented that I am the most helpful blogger of the year, but I will truly accept this honor only when you convert your blogspot blog into custom domain or self hosted one. BTW this blog post of mine can come handy to you…

  3. Hi Alok,

    Nice content, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have one question, how to target on country specific traffic. It’s possible in keywords side for country traffic…


    1. Buddy I will come up with a new blog post on this topic…

      1. Thanks Alok, I am waiting for the country traffic target content…

  4. very useful post Alok…..though I have been blogging since 2010 I wasn’t aware of many facts which I have learnt from u

    1. Thank you so much Sweta. I am really delighted to hear this…

  5. Hello Alok,

    Good Day!
    I like reading your blog posts. Your writings are honest and are simple to read. I always read full posts of your blog because they are useful and interesting as well. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you so much Vandana ๐Ÿ™‚ I am really honored with this comment of yours. Thank you so much….

  6. Nice points, Alok ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yet to use Google Adsense as my account was not approved by them. Need to try again!

    1. I guess it will be approved now Anita, as you already get rid of the issues on your site…

  7. Enlightening post, I must say. Thanks Alok.
    My Adsense account wasn’t approved, I am a personal blogger, and what you said about choosing niches is absolutely correct when it comes to earning. I blogged from and recently moved to wordpress. Are there similar applications on wordpress that can help me monetize my blog? Also,WordAds requires me to buy a custom domain, without which it wont work. Are there other independent hosts which can give you ads to display on your blog?

    1. Dear Sagarika, thanks for sharing your comment and opinion with us. Honestly these are some of the limitations with blogspot and What I can suggest you is to go for self hosted domain names and install wordpress from It should help you to establish your blog as an identity and brand, and most probably Google will too accept it for Adsense.

      As far as other ads are concerned, I am really sorry, I don’t have much idea about sites, I won’t be able to say anything on it…

  8. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder Avatar
    Maniparna Sengupta Majumder

    I never tried for Google Adsense. I don’t think my blog will be able to earn from it as it mostly has poems,stories, reviews etc.

    However, I’ll discus it with you in detail later.

    1. Sure Maniparna… ๐Ÿ™‚

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