Blogging is a monotonous task. Sometimes we face lack of motivation in blogging. Read on this blog post of mine on how to stay motivated as a blogger?
There can be many reasons which can break our heart and let us stay away from our passion, i.e. blogging. We bloggers are also human being and emotions do touch our heart as well. A sudden downfall in page views, an awkward comment on any of our blog post, can make us feel demotivated and dejected.
For my case I do feel demotivated when someone compares me with a well known SEO guy who has a very popular blog as well. Not always, but sometimes it gives the feeling of I am not getting the due recognition for the efforts which I am putting on my blogs since years.
I don’t have any hesitation in accepting the fact that I am no one in front of many SEO’s and Bloggers out here. I already claimed that I would have around less than 5% knowledge of what SEO is and what blogging is. Still if someone starts comparing my blog with the same of a big name of SEO field, it truly gives me heartbreaking moments.
This is a situation when you need support, which can help you to move on. After all no one else is going to boost your motivational level, so it is your own duty to stay motivated and come up with new posts on your blog.

I don’t know if it happens with you as well, but it certainly happens with me. When I feel demotivated, I never get the courage to write anything. Be it a blog, book, or an article, I simply don’t get the motivation to write anything new.
I have also realized the fact that if anyway I start writing that time, the post simply becomes garbage.
This sometimes even stops us to update our blog as per the normal schedule. Certainly if you don’t be consistent enough with your blog, the stats will further drop and you will further be demotivate towards managing the blog, and the outcome can be the sudden death of your blog too.
Here are a few ways which can help you to stay motivated towards blogging:
Now this is my way to handle this situation. For me my lovely wife and cute daughter is there to let me come out from any adverse situations of our life. This is the reason why when I don’t feel like writing anything, I usually takes a break and spent some time with my family.
It is something which gives me the strength and when I return back to my normal blogging schedule I always come up with a bang.
I realized that the posts which I have written after such a break were always the best one I have ever written.
Believe me if you are having a daily blogging schedule as well, taking a break on some particular day is not going to harm the reputation of you or your blog. Rather it can give you the freshness which is very much required for blogging. Try to spent the time with your loved ones, or do whatever you love to do and see its impact on your coming blogs.
It will definitely energize you and help you to get rid of the demotivating situation.
Having a schedule of blogs is crucial. Let us have a few blogs stored with you in advance so that someday if you did not get the chance to write or publish anything new, you can use the same blog for that day. Even you can also go for the content curation if you are in a no mood to write anything new.
It is very much true that our distracted mood will remain for a few hours only. You cannot remain in the same stage for so long. Try to utilize the time when you remain normal or excited about your blog. Try to note down things or ideas which comes into your mind at any time of the day.
It will surely become a good way for you to get rid of the demotivating situation, as you might use those points already written by you in good time to write something new at the time when you are distracted from blogging. It will surely get you back to the track.
As I said already that when demotivation prevails over you; you never get the courage to write something new. But then I would suggest you to write whatever is going inside you, or write anything which you want, though you can avoid publishing it, but let the anxiety inside you comes out in the form of writing.
It is an option which can help us to get rid of the phase which is disturbing us.
Setting unrealistic goals sometimes causes demotivation among the blogger. Hence, it is very much required to set realistic goals which you can achieve with your hard work. Let me tell you that blogging is not an easy task which normally people think about. It requires so much of efforts.
That is the reason why I always suggest having clear and achievable goals for your blog.
Sometimes stats can also break your heart, so it is advisable not to take them seriously. I won’t say that don’t monitor them, but monitor them for an analysis over a longer time frame. I usually check my stats on a weekly or fortnightly basis only.
Do remember the fact that there is no shortcut to get overnight success, you can get it gradually only.
We all know the importance of reading in blogging and reading benefits as well. Sometimes when we don’t feel motivated about writing something new, we can spent the time in reading others blog. We can get the required motivation from reading the blogs which we admire.
This is the best way to get the desired motivation for blogging.
I am not sure if I have the ability to motivate other bloggers or not, but I always try (through my blog and through personal interactions as well) to motivate others for blogging. I am sure blogging itself is a thing which helps us to motivate ourselves towards enhancing our own life. Let me finish the blog with this line only. Please do share whatever your thought is on the same.
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