Explore the culture and history of Chidambaram

Explore the culture and history of Chidambaram!


10 responses to “Explore the culture and history of Chidambaram!”

  1. Thanks dear for sharing this article otherwise I’d have known only one Chidambaram – the ex finance minister of India. A good exploration & presentation…

    1. Ha ha Ravish you are absolutely right, even I was not at all aware about a place named as Chidambaram, and this is the reason why I published this guest blog.

  2. Ravish said what I wanted to say. I read the heading and thought is there actually a place with this name. 😉

    1. Ha ha Gaurab, I guess the name Chidambaram is a bit confusing for us. India is a nation which has so many places which are not even known to us. 🙂

  3. When I read the title I thought that you will be sharing background of P. Chidambaram with us.

    1. Lol Nitin, I am sure many people are confusing with this name, as I too got confused with it. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing your opinion with us.

  4. Thanks Scott for writing this and thanks Alok for sharing it. Well unlike Ravish and Gaurab I knew Chidambaram was a place (I was a teacher and now a recruiter) So I know places (even obscure one) 🙂 I didn’t know about the village.

    1. That’s great Datta 🙂 I was simply wondering that anyone from North India will might not be aware about it. But you are an exception 🙂

  5. An excellent article. Thank god it is not about ex-minister Mr. P Chidambaram

    1. Thank you so much Sampat Kumari jee 🙂

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