How to Prepare Useful Content in a Hurry!

How to Prepare Useful Content in a Hurry!

Content creation is a difficult task. Especially when you need to prepare content on a short notice, it becomes really hell to plan content. Read on this blog post of mine to understand how to prepare useful content in a hurry.

Normally my readers are aware that I blog on everyday basis. Sometimes I did not even get the time to prepare content, and sometimes I need to submit the content in next 10 minutes time. Unfortunately those were the time when I need to scratch my head for what can I do now.

Normally writing a 300, or 400, or 500 words article or blog is not that difficult. But since I always prefer to publish blog of around thousand words, preparing a content of 1000+ words becomes difficult, especially in that short time period.

How to Prepare Useful Content in a Hurry!
How to Prepare Useful Content in a Hurry!

How to Prepare Useful Content in a Hurry!Β 

Let me tell you all a secret which I use for sometimes. This secret is known as Content Curation, and it is a process which always helps me to come up with a blog post, on a short notice.

What is Content Curation?Β 

Those who are into online marketing field must be aware of this term content curation, but those who are not, for them it must be sounding as an alien term.

It is a process in which you gather some information from different places, collect them and present them in a unique way which clearly makes it meaningful.

Although you might say that normally contents are being prepared on the same principal. Ideally true up to an extent, but not all the blogs or content are being curated, but some (rather most) of them are prepared originally only. Normally when I prepare a blog, I usually research so many websites, but when I start writing it I simply close all the sites and write it by my own language only.

On the other hand when you are performing content curation, you actually go through some sites and take most of the points from their only. You simply modify and tweak the content a bit and made it a unique and informative piece of content.

Precautions Required with Content CurationΒ 

Curating a piece of content sounds easy, but then you should realize that it is not that much easy to fool Google that you have written this piece of content.

Here are some precautions which you needed to maintain while doing the content curation:

Content for Your AudienceΒ 

Make sure that you are preparing content for your audience only, not for the search engines. As I normally suggest that (as I suggested in this blog too The Best SEO Advice to Any Blog!) writing for your readers is the best tactics as far as SEO is concerned, hence if you are doing the content curation only you must need to maintain this thing.

Maintaining Content DuplicityΒ 

We all know that duplicate content is dangerous for the SEO of your website. So if you are planning to do content curation only you should remember that you are not actually reposting the full content of some other page.

Rather it is a good idea to summarize a post or write a zest for some other post and give a link to the original post from your post.

Be SelectiveΒ 

Whenever you plan to curate content make sure that you should always select the best things for your content. No matter what you need to do, but you should have to provide additional value to your readers so that they can get a quite useful post, and hence you need to be selective enough to select the best pieces of content for your content curation.

Put Your InputΒ 

While it is true that you are adding different resources to a post, but then it is very much important that you should also include your own opinion about the topic and if possible place it at the top of the content only.

Write at least some words, like say 200+ words content for the summary and then give the summary of all those posts with a link to them below it.

Don’t Chose a Single SourceΒ 

While content curation is a short process of preparing informative content, but then you should understand that you should curate from a single source again and again. It won’t give any value to your piece of content.

So those were some of the tips which can clearly help you to prepare a quick piece of content or blog.

Secret of Doing Content Curation in a Perfect MannerΒ 

The best thing which you can do to make your curated content as a perfect one?

The best advice which I can give you is to place link to the pages from where you are taking the content. It is quite a simple one, if you are preparing content on β€œBenefits of Reading” then you can simply collect 10 good posts on it, and you can link them with a paragraph written especially for those pages.

This way you are actually providing 10 different articles for your readers.

One more secret which I can give you is that always open the link of other web pages in a new tab or window only.

Concerns Related with Content Curation!Β 

Honestly it is a big issue of discussion that content curation is a type of duplicate content. So you might ask me that instead of wasting so much energy on creating an original article, we can also take some pieces of content and can club them and make them as a new piece of content. Similarly we can also come up with 5-10 videos and can write short-short descriptions about them and embed them in between and make some curated content.

Always remember that content curation is an easier process, but then it cannot be an alternate of original content. Though I am not saying that curated content are duplicate only, it is far better than doing the copy and paste type of work, but then still if you compare curated content with originally created content, obviously the later one will have an upper hand.

So the most essential concerns related with content curation is that though you are curating but still you need to make it a unique, valuable and informative post for your readers. I suppose this line will never have any issue for your post.

There might be a debate between Created Content and Curated Content, but then like I publish self created content every day, so there is no harm in sharing a curated content some time. By the way, the weekly post which I normally publish on each Sunday, summarizing all the posts of mine, is a type of curated content only πŸ™‚

So now it is your turn to let me know about what do you think about content curation? Please do share what you think about this blog post of mine or about the curated content which I publish on a weekly basis. I will be waiting for your responses about all these things.


26 responses to “How to Prepare Useful Content in a Hurry!”

  1. This is a very sensible article Alok. I agree, a long article sometimes does take a lot of time. The one today took almost 2 Hrs for me. Writing was one bit, along with that adding images, working on its presentation, it does take a lot of time indeed. I love this one point you mentioned – Write for your audience and not the search Engine. Perfectly said πŸ™‚

    1. Yup I can understand Vinay. To prepare a good article takes really long time, if you go by writing, editing, proofreading, image creation, then publishing I am sure all these activities will take really good time. You know the biggest challenge for me is also the time management, as you know I really get much less time for my blogs.

      Writing for your audience is in fact the best thing which a blogger can do. Let’s forget about search engines, their likes and dislikes and simply go ahead with what your readers are looking from you.

      Thanks a lot Vinay for sharing your true opinion about my blog posts. πŸ™‚

  2. Alok, a fabulous piece. But, I stuck on this: “it is not that much easy to fool Google that you have written this piece of content.” I mean, someone has account on many blogging platform and he always post the same content on these different platforms to get maximum exposure. How do you see this behavior in terms SEO? How does it affect the blogger from SEO point of view?

    1. Good Question Ravish. If you are sharing the same piece of content on different platforms, then you are actually creating problems for your own website. I mean from SEO point of view you are actually increase the number of duplicate contents and hence creating threats for your own site. But then if you are sharing the link with different pieces of content on different platform then it has no harm, in fact better for SEO perspective.

      This is the reason why content creation even for your social media profiles matters a lot. πŸ™‚

  3. Alok, I found the options of reblogging in some platforms. How does it affect the original post in terms of SEO. Does reblogging not mean content duplication?

    And thanks for answering the previous one beautifully in lay man’s language.

    1. You are most welcome Ravish.

      Honestly in my opinion reBlogging, a concept on which Tumblr works is not at all good for SEO. By doing so we are actually harming our own website. If you are copying the entire content and placing it on some other place with a link to the original one, do you think it will benefit you anyway? Especially these days when Google is too strict about content duplicity…

      It is actually the content duplication only…

  4. Though my posts are not generally lengthy and does not require referral because of their personal nature. This article is something basic or rudimentary for content curation. reminds me of my UG days when a seminar meant days of research put together. πŸ™‚

    1. You are actually right Datta, it was like doing a lot of research before putting papers for seminar πŸ™‚ I just published a blog post giving the example of both content creation as well as content curation. Hope you will like it.

  5. Though i generally write my stuff and no referral content but this is a fantastic post Alok giving super tips to generate meaningful content in a jiffy.

    1. Thank you so much Shweta. Most of the elite bloggers of IndiBlogger write their own stuff πŸ™‚ I suppose I was the only one who use to go for content curation πŸ™‚

  6. Nitin Balodi Avatar
    Nitin Balodi

    This is really an awesome post . Content curation can help one to a great extent . Nonetheless, can harm to equal extent also. For example,some people end up writing a plagiarized post . Hence I want to add one more point to your blog post.
    – Take a Plagiarism Test – One should check the authenticity of his content after writing. He should use some free tools like paper-ratter and then only proceed with the publication of his post.

    Thanks for the great article sir.

    1. You are absolutely right Nitin, but what I can suggest you is to use CopyScape for any write ups which you write, no matter if you write it by your own only. It will give you a fair idea if it should not be displayed copied from any place…

      Thank you for suggesting the free tool paper-ratter for this purpose.

  7. Pardon Alok, one more clarification. What about HTML blockquote tag?

    1. That is still better Ravish. Through this tag you are actually telling search engines that it is taken from somewhere else. But what I suggest is to use pictures for those content, with and alt tag, instead of using blockquote tag.

  8. Absolutely insightful as we all struggle trying to match the demand with the time constraint and this article gives us some real ideas to ponder upon

    1. Thank you so much Chaitali, I am so glad that you liked this blog post of mine πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for your support πŸ™‚

  9. Writing for the readers/audience is the key thing…I think…at least I keep it in mind while writing an article. While composing verses, I write straight from the heart, only my feeling and nothing else matters.

    This tips are really helpful for writing a long post.Thanks again for an insightful article… πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you so much Maniparna πŸ™‚ I am glad that you liked them.

  10. I also write like you Alok – do a lot of research, then close all the windows and write from what I remember.
    Your tips are always so useful πŸ™‚
    BTW – thanks to you I decided to move my blogs (four of them) to one self hosted wordpress blog and am so happy with it. Would love to have your feedback on it πŸ™‚

    1. That is great news Kalpanaa. I guess I saw your site a few days back only and it is a finest blog dear. I must say you took a very wise decision.

      Thank you so much Kalpanaa, I am glad that you liked my blog posts and tips πŸ™‚

  11. Thanks Alok for sharing that useful trick.

    1. You are most welcome Ravish…

  12. Najm Nisa Avatar
    Najm Nisa

    I do take content from other pages but copying is a complete NO. Its just a few ideas , getting inspired hence I never got the need to give links to the pages I was referring. And there is no doubt that originality is way much better than curated content.. Learnt a very useful thing from this post πŸ™‚

    1. That is okay Najm, after all we too need to know certain things before writing πŸ™‚ Well, it was not true that curated content cannot be original. The idea with Curated content is that you are not actually writing a new post, just summarizing a few posts and giving them a link back. Simple.

      Thank you so much Nisa for sharing your comment and liking the blog πŸ™‚

  13. An excellent article containibg useful guidelines. I found the discussion also quite interesting.

    1. Thank you so much Sampat Kumari jee πŸ™‚

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