How to Make a Superb Website or Blog in Minutes!

How to Make a Superb Website or Blog in Minutes!


12 responses to “How to Make a Superb Website or Blog in Minutes!”

  1. Sampat Kumari Avatar
    Sampat Kumari

    A very good step by step guide about creating a blog or web site. I tried to create a blog on wordpress but it was so complicated that I had to leave it.

    1. Dear Sampat Kumari Jee, thanks a lot for appreciating my efforts. To be very frank it is not that much difficult but then at the beginning it might seems so.

  2. A step by step handy guide…useful for all… ( Most of the times I find your posts informative and useful )

    1. Thanks a lot Maniparna, it is a real pleasure that a blogger like you likes all my posts. I really try to make posts informative and useful, though its a fact that comments like this actually inspire me to do such 🙂

  3. Interesting..though I have been on blogging platform for quite a while but still in a learning process

    1. Thank you Alka for sharing your comment with us. Thanks for your appreciation, it really means a lot to me. Blogging is such a thing only that you can learn something new on each and every day, no matter how much time you already spared over here.

  4. That’s so true Alok, having a site with an own name without the worpress or a blogspot tag makes so much of a difference, it kinda gives a feeling that the person is serious about the site and is responsible as well. WEll that’s the first impression, but those can always change with time 😀

    Nice pointers though :), I only wish I had read this article earlier 🙂

    1. Thanks Vinay, yes you said it right that having a site with an own name without the wordpress or blogspot tag name makes real differences. It truly means that you are a serious blogger and people use to click on these links if found on some SERP.

  5. This is a nice guide, Alok. Great that you have shared all this info & tips,
    Wish I had access to this info before signing up for my Blog!

    1. Thank you Anita 🙂 I am really feeling proud because of this complement from you 🙂

  6. Thanks Alok bhai sahab for Such nice guidelines. I really needed these.

    1. Thank you so much Sampat Kumari jee 🙂

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