How to Do the Link Building Properly?

How to Do the Link Building Properly?

We all know the importance of links in online marketing, no matter if it is an internal link or an external one. Here is my blog on how to do the link building properly?

Recently when I was working on my blog how to build quality backlinks to boost rankings of your website, the idea of this blog post came into my mind.

While I was working on that post I realize that there are many people who don’t even know about the linking strategies to be implemented for their website. No matter if you are dealing with your own posts link on your own website, there are some things which you should know about.

Let me first give you an idea about it. To be very frank these days On Page Optimization playing a very crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO). With the help of on page techniques you can surely bring your website or web pages in search engine result page (SERP). Position of your results might vary, but yes it is undoubtedly true that you can bring your website in the SERP.

You result can also be found on second page of the search, or at the 10th page also. Now here comes the role of links which will increase the ranking of your website.

It is easier to come into SERP but then bringing it from that (let’s say 89th position) position to the top 10 is quite difficult. Then if you reached to the top 10 then again to boost the ranking and bring your site into top 3 becomes a tough challenge. And obviously bringing it to the first position is really tougher from here.

Undoubtedly as per Google also, from here the role of backlinks starts, which forces the ranking of your website to increase and finally it can land you the top position as well. But as you all know that Google is becoming so harsh on links, how will you approach to do it properly?

How to Do the Link Building Properly?
How to Do the Link Building Properly?

 How to Do the Link Building Properly?

There are so many ways to build links for your website. Undoubtedly many people say that following medium of link building is dead now, but I really do believe that none of the mediums are ever going to dead. You can anytime build links with the same old techniques, but then you should understand it properly that there should some quality value of your links, otherwise it will be a shit and Google will hardly take time in penalizing the same.

So here are the ways to do link building properly:

 Internal Linking

In this age when getting links from other websites is a real tough job, then why not focus on getting links from your own website?

Did you ever try doing so?

If yes, then it is quite good, but if not, then starts doing so. Try to put your first focus on quality content only, but then don’t forget to add links to your own pages in that piece of content.

Always remember that in a page (let’s say a content of around 500+ words is there) you should not include more than 3-4 links. But if your page is having 1000+ words content then you can include a maximum of 6 links. In any ways you should not ever give 10+ links on a page.

Success text

Choosing Right Anchor text and Landing Pages

As far as internal linking is concerned, choosing the right anchor text for your links, and selecting the proper and relevant pages to link from it is an art and should be taken care of properly.

It is always better to have long tail keywords as anchor text, and it should also not at all look unnatural or spammy.

 External Linking

As far as the methods of building links are concerned it will remain the same which I already mentioned in my last blog post on blog how to build quality backlinks to boost rankings of your website but in this blog I will explain the approach to do the same so that Google or any other search engine should not ever penalize it.

 Guest Blogging

As you all know that I am a big fan of guest blogging. In my opinion it is the best tool to get back links to your website, but it should be utilized properly as I mentioned in my book anybody can do blogging, but not guest blogging.

Well, it is said that guest blogging is dead now, but if you ask me I will say no. It won’t.

Tell me one thing, if someone is writing the best blog posts, then why will the readers of that particular blog will dislike that post? Obviously if you are putting your best into a blog post and submit it for publishing in some other blog, I am quite sure the readers of that particular blog will surely love reading that and will also do share their comments on to it and will share it in their social networking profiles as well.

So, if you are considering the quality quotient into consideration, why will guest blogging be dead?

 Social Bookmarking

When you think about sharing your website on social bookmarking sites, forget about those crappy websites which can publish any link on their website without checking the quality of the links. Always try your hands into a site which publishes links after a proper check up, or based on some quality votes of the community over there, then it should be good one.

You can select that types of social bookmarking sites and can share your best content over there. But then always remember the golden line that you should not ever do spam to promote your website on any of the sites.

 Blog Commenting

To be very honest, this is the cheapest way to do link building. This is the medium which can easily fall you into trouble.

Undoubtedly if you are putting comments like wow nice post, good post, great post, stuffs, obviously every reader will hate it. And then if you are giving link to your website on these types of comment, it simply means that you are doing spam.

Tell me one thing, if you are doing such things why won’t Google penalize your website?

But then if it is providing some additional benefits to the blog posts, this process will definitely be considered as good. Consider writing a useful and relevant comment and see readers of that particular blog will definitely like it.

And hence, Google and all other search engines will also like it.

And yes the best thing which you can do is to select the best websites or blog for commenting purposes.


When you are developing inforgraphics for the purpose of link building, do tell me one thing, if you are not providing any unique information into it, or you won’t be able to design it properly, or the information which you giving into it is quite general and common one only, then what will happen?

Obviously users will not like it. And hence it will also become a spam.

Thus always try your hand into infographics if you are good into designing and able to collect facts and data in a very good way.

So there are all the ways of link building still open, but only thing which you required is that you should do it with proper care. Try to give value and additional information to the other website and see how important your links will become.

You should always avoid any link exchange deals, and any payment deals if offered in doing link building.

It is quite natural that we say that always develop the content that automatically get shared because of its quality and uniqueness, is very much true. Content being the king should always be used as the best way to build links. No matter if you are doing guest blogging, or blog commenting or inforgraphics as well, content always plays a vital and crucial role into it.

Do let me know if you liked this blog post or not? Please do share your comments with us, and do let me know if I am missing something in it.


10 responses to “How to Do the Link Building Properly?”

  1. That’s quite helpful information !
    Can you also tell me how to add a badge to a post ? Thanx

    1. Thanks a lot Alka, thanks for your visit and I am glad that you found it helpful. Adding a badge to a post is quite simple, you just need the HTML code of the badge and place it at the HTML code of your blog post. Hope it will work 🙂

  2. Informative.. At some places I think examples will certainly help. Like at “Choosing Right Anchor text and Landing Pages”.

    1. Thanks a lot Roohi for your comment and suggestion, I will definitely try to provide the same 🙂 Thanks once again for helping me to improve…

  3. Thanks Alok, very recently I have started adding internal links from articles on my site. The average time spent on my site has thankfully increased cos of that and also other sources similar which bring in more traffic and also provide them better value add. Till now guest blogging has been a major source for me. Like you said, it has definitely played a very important role for me and also increasing my traffic through search engines as well cos of the back links. Guest blogging is certainly a very productive way as long as we keep adding value!

    1. Yes Vinay, you said it right. Thanks for sharing your comment with us. To be very frank guest blogging is much better than what we normally consider it. But yes we need to do it perfectly.

  4. Your posts never fail to enlighten me in some way or other….thanks for sharing those useful tips Alok… 🙂

    1. Wow, great to hear that Maniparna. I am really delighted Mani 🙂 Thanks for such a nice complement.

  5. Sampat Kumari Avatar
    Sampat Kumari

    A very good article on such important subject. The subject is widely covered and lucidity is really appreciable. Thanks.

    1. Thanks a lot Sampat Jee 🙂 I am really delighted that you like it so much.

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