Are You Still Building Links for Your Website?
Well, this time I am asking this simple question from you all, no matter in what profession you are, no matter if you know SEO or not, only things which matters is that you run a website. I am asking this question of are you still building links for your website, simply because we all know that Google is too strict against link building processes.
Well, as per me we all know that SEO is an industry which is changing on every day. Those who are the part of this industry or somehow associated with search engine optimization tricks will definitely support me that it has changed a lot during last four – five years.
It is no surprise that new things are continuously adding as far as SEO industry is concerned. There was a time when the main focus of every website owner was to build as many links as possible, no matter from what mean or from where are they generated. Do you still follow the same principle?
Common guys, give me a break. Read this blog to understand how link earning is far better than link building?

When we say about link building, what techniques usually comes into our mind?
Do you still remember the techniques of article submission, social bookmarking, blog commenting, forum posting, link exchange, etc.?
If you still remember them and anyhow associated with the same, then you are actually doing a big mistake.
If you or someone on your behalf is still involved with things like link building, then you are actually doing a suicide type of thing for your website.
Let me explain one by one.
I guess you all must start thinking about the same, when we say link building. Well, let me tell you something, if you are still submitting your website in social bookmarking sites which publishes link to any website, mind my word any, then you are actually doing one type of suicide. I am not against submitting your site on sites like digg, reddit, stumbleupon, etc. but then you should understand the quality of a social bookmarking websites.
How to Judge a Social Bookmarking Website?
Judging a social bookmarking website is quite easy. You should understand the very basic need why these social sites came into existence. No doubt it was the social term which made them too popular. And a website will be social only when people will decide about which content will be allowed to display over there.
Sites like Digg, Reddit, SU, etc. are so popular, just because all these websites make the readers or their users as the king. They are the people who decide the fate of any link in the form of voting. Believe me a genuine person will always vote for genuine things only.
Thus if you are reaching to a social bookmarking website which has very less user activity (like users are only involved with submitting their news), it is a red signal for you to submit your link over there.
Be aware of building links from those sites, else you would definitely need the services of an SEO guy like me to disavow those links.
Read some other related blogs of mine on same topic:
Google Launches Disavow Links Tool!
How to Deal with Negative SEO & use Disavow Links Tool!
How to Survive the Guest Blogging Penalty?
How to Get Success as far as Link Removal is concerned?
Hope these blogs are beneficial for you.
Similar with article directories, I guess it is the high time when you need to shift your focus towards earning link, rather than link building.
Article directory websites were sites where we use to submit an article with two-three anchor text links into it and they use to be spread among so many syndicate websites. In this age SEO has reached to a stage where these techniques are considered as bad.
Are you the guy who still prefers to leave your link with an anchor text while submitting a spammy comment over any blog?
If yes then you are doing the biggest mistake.
Let me tell you something interesting about blog commenting.
As far as blog commenting is concerned, comments really matters a bit but not everything. You need some visitors then you can get through commenting on other blogs, but then placing your link on other poor quality sites is also harmful. And then allowing poor quality comments on your site is also bad.
Let me explain this in this way: you are visiting some blog posts similar to my blog, like them, and then sharing authentic comments, it is a good way to get back link and developing authority of your website.
But then if you went to a blog which has poor quality post and you simply says, wow, good post. Then these types of comment are bad for both, your website and the other site also in which you posted comment.
In this case you can do one thing share your comment but not the URL.
So the idea is, post comments on other sites but leave URL only on good quality posts.
And yes always use your real name in comments. And the biggest thing is ignore posting comments like, wow, great post, or good post, nice information, etc. Consider writing a real review of the blog post as the comment.
Being an owner of a few sites, no matter if they are good or not, I usually receive around 10 mails on a daily basis, which especially focuses on doing link exchange. I usually hate this.
A few years back there were so many so called SEO’s who used to do these things. Although I never did the same, but still I was involved in some of the processes of exchanging links for many websites. I am sure being a good website owner you are not involved in any such activities, but then do you really don’t respond any positive things to those mails?
Well, I am not aware about it, but then if you are really doing so, then please don’t do so. It will actually kill your own website. Try to avoid any links from such sites which looks like as if they are doing link exchanges.
What to Do?
Well, as I am seeing that links building, if not done properly, is leading towards penalty from Google, the search engine giant.
I am quite sure if you are an SEO then you would definitely not favor this.
No one wants to lose the targeted traffic which Google provides organically.
So what can we do?
Well, as far as my advice is concerned, forget about link building now. It is the time when your website will start earning links, rather then you or someone on your behalf will try to earn links. Earning links to your website will start only when your website will be a brand or which can provide quality to others.
Try to focus on your own website only. Try to give useful stuffs for your visitors. Instead of writing a 500 words article to submit on a crappy article directory website, it is better to write a blog on your own website. Try to provide useful information to your visitors.
Being said this I also wanted to say one thing to you all, don’t freak out if some penalty was imposed on your website. You can easily get rid of any mistake which your website might have made in past. Only thing which you need is the guidance of a knowledgeable SEO guy.
Do also let me know if you like this blog post of mine or not. Do share your comment about it.
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