Why do we blog?
Do we blog because of our passion towards sharing our knowledge?
Do we blog because we want to earn name and fame through our blog?
Or, do we blog to earn?
I guess many people started blogging with the main motive of earning something through it.
Am I wrong?
To be very frank, after spending six and more years in blogging I might say that I am blogging just because I am passionate about it and I do enjoy doing so. But I don’t feel any bad if I share that the day 1 when I thought about starting a blog, money was everything which was going inside my mind.
No doubt, like many other people, I too started blogging to earn something from it. But later on, my motive has changed. I found that it becomes one of the most loved things of my life, and I found myself inspired after doing so.
To be very frank, there are many reasons for which many people are having own blog these days, earning being one of the prominent reasons among them. On one hand blogging is one of the finest platform to share your knowledge with the world and on the same time it is not at all difficult enough to establish too.
As far as free blogs are concerned, you can have one with the help of Blogger of Google, or WordPress.com of WordPress. You can also read my blog on 10 common blogging mistakes to avoid by bloggers. On the other hand if you think that the free sub domain provided by blogger.com is not looking professional, then you can also use the custom domain name with your blogger blog. You can read how to move blogspot blog to your own domain name for this purpose. I hope I explained the process of using custom domain name with blogspot or blogger blogs in this blog.
Although you cannot use your own domain name with wordpress.com, unless you can use self hosted blog and use wordpress.org for your blog. That is the highly recommend option from me as far blogging is concerned.
Now when we think about earning through blogging, do let me clarify one simple thing to everyone. To be very frank you never assume to start earning from the next day you developed your blog. It takes around years to build authority and then only you can think about earning something from it.

Although here are a few ways through which you can make money from your blog:
Google Adsense, being one of the most popular platform by the search engine giant Google to earn through your blog. It is in my opinion the best; simplest but the toughest medium to do so.
Google Adsense is a program through which you can display the ads through the publishers of Google. It is PPC program, which is the short name of Pay Per Click. In this program, if a visitor of your website clicks on the ads, you will be paid by Google for it.
Though Google has very strict guidelines, like you cannot yourself click on the ads of your website or you cannot force or bribe someone to click on the ads of your website, and many similar types of. Thus making it a bit difficult, but then if you are using all the fair means, you need not to worry about it.
The best ways to get success as far as Google Adsense program is concerned; you will have to gain as many traffic as possible to your website. More the number of visitors on your website, higher will be your earning and the less will be the chances of having any fraud from your side.
Also sometimes many new bloggers face problem in approving their blogs in Google Adsense program. It normally happens because of 2-3 reasons, the first and the most important one is the originality of content. If you really want to approve your website or blog in Google, you must need to publish original, informative and unique content on your blog.
Try to make posts which should illustrate the things in a very simple and easy way, and should be useful to your readers.
Also bloggers should apply for Google Adsense program with their own domain name, not with the free sub domains of blogspot.com or wordpress.com.
Although Google Adsense is also one sort of PPC advertising program, but then you can also have different PPC advertising networks through which you can earn from your blog. There are programs like Chitika, Adbrite, etc. which also provides the same facility.
Also when you have an established blog, many new advertising networks will contact you to advertise from your blog. Try not to over use the ads on your blog. Maximum of 3-4 blocks of ads are quite good enough.
Make sure that while displaying too many ads on your website, should not actually irritate your readers, else your blog will lose its charm among them.
Once you started blogging, and your blog start getting traffics, you will come through many advertisers who will be interested in displaying their ads on your website. You can offer banner spaces to them on your blog.
Though there are a few websites where you can seek help for banner advertisement, though I will suggest you to show your own banner on blank space that you can display your banner ads over here.
I would suggest you not to display the rates for this, but you can discuss this on privately with the advertiser.
Affiliate programs are also one of the best ways to earn from your blog. Although earning a single penny in this world is really difficult. Especially earning something from your blog in the beginning is too difficult, because no one will trust on you. Unless you became a familiar name in your readers, why will your readers think about purchasing something which you are asking them to purchase?
After all do you purchase something if your known person recommends to you?
I guess you will respond that we purchase something if it is being recommended by one trusted person.
Similar in this blogging world, unless you don’t build trust, no one will be going to purchase something from you.
One more important thing for earning through affiliate programs is that you need to take care of the products which you are offering on your blog. It is my suggestion that you should not offer the things which you yourself will not ever try to purchase. Always offer products which you already have tasted or tried.
Once you have established your blog, you can start selling direct products from your website. You can sell books, eBooks, gift items, or anything depending on the requirement of your blog readers. You can also sell products with your logo, or slogans, which can be purchased by those who really love your blog.
Other than all the above things you can also establish yourself as an online tutor for your strong subjects. I am sure this is also one of the best ways to earn good amount from your blog.
Above were some of the best and easiest ways to earn money from your blog, although always remembered that you cannot be able to earn money from your blog, unless you don’t have enough visitors. Your success always depends on the number of visitors of your blog.
You can also create a paid forum on your blog, which can have some subscription options to read, but then you can yourself understand the level of trust which you need to create before someone will subscribe it. You can also start a paid magazine of your blog, but then it is also not that easy to do so.
Do let me know what you think about this blog of mine. I will be waiting for your response on it.
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