A few months back I wrote a post on how to deal with negative SEO, in which I pointed out the way to remove links from other websites. Although the basic thing is that it is really tough to get success as far as link removal is concerned.
As I mentioned in last post which I published over here on SEO (how to survive the guest blogging penalty), that wait for my next blog on how to get success as far as link removal is concerned. So here comes my blog post on the same.
Why do we use link removal techniques?
Why should we mail others to remove our links from their website?
I am sure these questions are definitely coming in your minds; let me explain the answers to them.
There was a time when we webmasters were totally crazy about building links to our website. We tried everything through which our website gets some links. We tried article marketing, directory submission, social bookmarking, press releases, etc. All these links were there to boost the ranking of your website a few years back.
Out of sudden, one day Google realized that instead of making quality links people are just running behind any links, which strictly were against their terms. This is the moment when they came up with an update namely Google Penguin update to penalize those poor quality links to your website. Meanwhile they also come up with Google Panda updates as well, which actually maintained the on page factors of a website. We will discuss about Panda in some other blog.
Meanwhile, if you are familiar about this thing or not, but many webmasters also went through building links by exchanging links with other websites. This technique was known as link exchange and that was actually totally against Google’s webmaster guidelines. But as you know that was the time when ranking of a website was dependent on back links of the website, so everyone was behind the links only.
So once Google came up with Penguin updates, they put manual penalty of unnatural links to many website, just because they were involved with those grey link building processes. Although those processes were not at all grey a few years back, but now it has converted into something which can harm your website.
Also Read: 20 Reasons Which Might Penalize Your Website by Google!
So here comes the need of removing the links from other websites.

So the biggest question is that how to get success in it?
How to Get Rid of Unnatural Links Penalty?
Ask one of my friends about it and you will realize how tired he is with all this. His website recently hit by a Manual Penalty by Google for unnatural links and instead of contacting me or other SEO guys he himself went ahead to contact different webmasters to remove his link from their website.
I am sure you must have understood now that he received no success with this.
On the other hand when I took this thing in my hand, the success rate increased hugely and within 15 days of facing the manual penalty Google removed it as well.
Was there anything special which I did?
Nothing as such, I just make the process simpler and stepwise and being able to do so.
I am actually doing this in my professional life as well.
You must be asking about how?
How to Get Success in Link Removal Process?
Let me tell you the reason why it is hard to get success in it. I don’t know if you had ever contacted any webmaster for either link building or link removal or not, but since I have seen all these activities so closely: hence I can say that it is actually a very time consuming affair. Normally when you mail someone to link to your website, you actually ask them in a positive manner, so it has a bit of chance to get some good responses, but on the other hand when you ask someone to remove a link from their website, and you are doing it without writing it in a proper manner then the first thing which will come into their mind is why the hell I will remove your link.
Normally what happens, when you write a mail to someone that Google has asked us to remove links from poor quality sites, the person who reads this will take it seriously. They surely try to kick your ass, that how dares you called our website as poor quality.
So here are the ways which I usually follow for link removal:
Downloading All the Links
The biggest challenge with the link removal or rather with penalty removal procedure is getting the proper list of links which are pointing to your website. You can definitely use some paid tools, but as I am totally against spending anything on paid tools, I don’t want to invest on any paid tools.
When you have Google webmaster tools, you can easily do so that too for free. Go through your website on webmaster tools, and download all the links pointing to your website, even if your website has two sites in GWT, one with www and one without it, then do download all the links from both the sites.
Sorting them Out
The next step is to sorting them out. Sort out them so that you can get all the data related to one website at a place only.
Checking all the Links Manually
Here comes the most tedious part of this link removal process. If you really want to get success then go through each and every links of your excel sheet one by one. This way you will be able to come up with the actual source of link present on other websites.
Do remember that a particular website has more than thousands links toward your website, but all of them might have dependent on a single link only. You just need to identify the same.
When you mail someone to remove links to your website and give a long list of links, it is quite obvious that the other person will definitely ignore it. So try to reduce the number of links for each website as much as possible.
On the other hand also identify if the link is genuine one, I mean a link which cannot harm your website, then remove them from this list.
Contacting One by One
Now once everything is sorted out you can easily contact them one by one. Try not to be hard one while writing the mail so that the other website owner anyhow feel bad, don’t ever try to threaten them or use any language which can insult them or force them to feel insulted. Instead you should use some creative ways to request the links from their website.
I am sure these tips will definitely help you to resolve the manual penalty of unnatural links. Please do let me know about your feedback about this blog post of mine in the form of comment. You can also email me at my mail id inews@inewsindia.com for any type of help related to unnatural links penalty, if imposed on your website.
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