The most difficult question anyone can be able to face is how to forget the person whom you love? I am sure different people will have different perspective about it. First of all, I just want to clear one thing, I never want this day should ever come into anyone’s life, but as I say ups and downs are parts of life, so it might be possible that we will have to face this question in our real life some day.
You might ask me, why am I thought about this question today?
Well, it is not that I thought about this for the first time. Those who are not aware of my story, I too had a crush in my life before the love of my life came into my life. Frankly, I took so many months to really forget her and move ahead in my life, despite being the fact that in whole 2 years of our so called courtship she only pronounced one word to me “Why”.
This why was something which ended our relationship and I was forced to forget about her.
Don’t worry all these stories are deep inside my heart and my diary, some day I will definitely pen it down and hopefully a novel will come as the outcome. All these things are listed in my “to do” list, but don’t know when can I be able to complete it.
Let me all tell you about why I have decided to write on this particular topic. The reason being I was reading the novel “Moonlit Matinee” written by Harshita Srivastava, one of the authors of I News India, and a few other writers, and when I finished reading the first story (Bon Voyage) written by Harshita only, I thought the same question.
Is not it a huge difficult task to forget the person who was into our mind for all the time a few days back only?
Is not it that much hard to go for an hour, or say minutes, without thinking about a person, who was everything for us a few days back only?
I am not going deep inside why is the two decided to break away the precious relationships. Why are the two love birds, decided to split away? Whatever is the reason behind this separation, but if you think more about it, it will bring more pain into your life. So it is better to leave the relationships behind and move ahead with your life. Forget about your crush and think about those who still matters a lot in your life.
How to Forget the Person Whom You Love!

Here are a few tips which might help you to do so:
Bring Your Emotions Out
One thing which can always help you out either in case of break up, divorce or whatever is not to store the feelings inside you. If you really want to forget your love then the very first thing which you need to do is to admit yourself that you truly loved him, but it’s over now.
Call someone who can understand your feelings, and with whom you can rely upon that he or she won’t make fun of your feelings and won’t start gossiping about your relationships, and you can open up your feelings with him or her. You can share whatever is going inside your mind.
I know that it is one of the most difficult task to open up with a friend, sometimes you won’t have any friend whom you can trust upon, or sometime your reliable person is out of touch from you, in that case you might prefer writing it down in your diary. The way which I opted years back, and it worked as well.
Only concern with this method is that it might reach to some unwanted person’s hand, in that case you will have to manage it.
Increase Social Interaction
Believe me, locking you down, or being isolated from your society is actually dangerous at this phase of life. You need to increase your social interaction, as this will definitely give the necessary boost to forget your love.
It is understandable that in this situation you never want to interact with others, but believe me if you interact with your nearby friends, relatives, etc. you will start feeling better.
If you spent much of your time living alone and thinking about the same person, it will gonna harm you only.
Start Using Social Media
Some people will say that using social media to forget someone is not a good idea, but I will suggest the same to everyone. Social media is a huge platform to divert your mind from the negativity of your life, if taken in a positive way.
The thing which you need to do is to cut any connection with your love, and start exploring things which you like mostly.
I know that you are feeling angry or bitterly at this time of your life, but then it is your duty to come out of this situation and in this social media will definitely help you out. Create an anonymous account at twitter and connect with many people who share the same interests.
See, if you really want to forget your love, the best things which you can do is to stop talking about him, or her, or stop talking to him or her as well.
You will have to strictly avoid your love on social media sites.
Understand How Good You Are
Think about all the positives of your life, think about all the achievements you had in your life, think about all the goals of your life, no matter how many of them are still unfulfilled. Do think in the manner that you are a special person, and you deserve someone too better than your ex-love.
Believe me the moment when I was in love with my first crush, I was not even aware about her name too, I never thought that someone better than her will come into my life. But the moment my love, who is my wife now, came into my life I realized this thing that God had some other planning for me. This is the reason why I am now living a love filled life with my wife and daughter.
Do What You Love
Once you have decided to split away from your love, crush or whatever, now it is the time when you need to do things which you love instead of doing things for your love.
If you really want to kill whatever thoughts are coming in your mind, which are somehow related to your love or crush only, then the best ways to do so is to do things which you love to do. Read books (you already know about reading benefits), go out, travel the world, or your own country as well, do shopping, do window shopping, go for eating, go for watching movies, do whatever you love to do. No matter if you don’t have a company, you can either ask me, or you can go alone as well. If you will prefer me to join you, I will definitely come to join you but with my family 🙂
Love Being Single
A few days back I read an interesting blog by Sri, one of my blogger friends, and it was about the seven things which a single person can do to enjoy their single life, and here is the link of that blog:
I am quite sure you all will enjoy reading this.
So the point which I really want to say over here is that you should start loving your single life.
Casual Flirting
Doing a bit of flirting is an art, and you should know how to enjoy doing it. Since now you are free and not at all committed towards anyone, so you can now go with some casual flirting which won’t lead anywhere.
You can also date someone if you really want to; believe me all these things will make you happy towards your life only.
Being said all the above points, I think this is the time when you should prepare yourself for getting a new crush for yourself. It is always suggested to get rid of the thoughts of the person whom you loved so much earlier, and since now you have realized how beautiful your life is without him or her, so why not live it to the fullest and enjoy it.
Please do let me know your opinion about this blog post of mine. Please don’t hesitate in sharing your comments with us.
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