How to Handle Break Up?
Break up, is one of the worst thing in anyone’s life. Many instances has happened in which a person has to lost his life as well, just because he or she failed to deal with the breakup stress and went into depression.
No matter how long a relationship last, be it a few months, or a few weeks, or a few years as well, but break ups can leave us shattered, emotionally and some time physically as well. A few months back I write a blog on how to deal with post separation issues, that time only I thought to write on how to handle break up, but unfortunately due to some unavoidable hectic busy schedule I did not get the time to write on this.
Well, to be very precise there is no magic formula or rocket science which might help us to cope up with a break up, or to handle the breakup stress. But a strong determination might help us to get over from the thoughts of your ex and move on in our life.
In fact no one really ever wants to go through the break up phase in their life, but if it ever happened then too we need to take it in a very positive manner. People might go from your life, but your life should never stop. Tackle it in a way that you can be able to live a new life with new strength and grace.
How to handle Breakups
I might not be able to help you to recover from the break up stress, but these few tips might help you to come out from the depression which coped up in your life due to some unavoidable circumstances.
I know that the decision of ending a relationship is really difficult, and it might leave very deep effects on the mind and body of the couple. Very few persons are here in this universe that has faced this scenario in a very positive manner. Always understand that whether you initiated the break up, or you were on the other end, you are always required to treat yourself well, so that you can cope up with the heartbreak.
Here are a few tips which might help you to deal with a breakup:
Talk it out
If you keep your feelings inside you, it will always prevent you to come out from the situation. The best thing to do after breakups is to talk it out with a real friend.
You might question that why am I used this term real friend? Well, to be very frank there are only a few people out here, who can be termed as a real friend to anyone. We can discuss about the qualities of a good friend, but it’s a fact that we should not speak out with anyone, as many people out here will laugh on your situation behind you. So while talking out your situation you must need to understand with whom are you going to do so?
You can even prefer to write it down in your diary, it will also help you. Even you can write down an email to one of your very close friends, this too will help you to come out from the situation.
Ideal thing which you can do in this condition is go out with a much closed friends of yours, no matter of what gender the friend belongs, hug them and you can cry out. Do whatever you want, but tell your friend whatever is going inside you.
You can also write a blog on it, but then it will be open to everyone, which I might not suggest to everyone. But if you think it will satisfy you, then you might also go ahead with this option as well.
Think About it, but not obsessively
No matter what, but you are sure to think about it repeatedly. It’s too hard to forget about past, but I would always suggest not to think so much about it, as there is nothing left in it. You can think about all the reasons why this breaks up happened, but don’t think so much or all the time about it only.
It won’t help you out from the situation.
I will say to think about it, when you are alone, or not doing anything, but then don’t do it obsessively. Let’s think it in a way that you two enjoyed your relationships, but now break ups has happened, so let’s face it and move ahead.
Take Care of Yourself
So now you are all alone, and it is the time when you need to take care of yourself even more than past. Avoiding meals or punishing yourself by not eating is not a good idea. You should accept that now no one is there who will take care of yourself. So it’s always better to have food on time.
I would also suggest that you might also join any gym, which can help you to remain in shape after break ups.
The idea is just to help you not to go for an unhealthy life after breakups, I am quite sure you all will try to look as the best as a way to get revenge on an ex.
Remember not to do over-eating or over-exercise, just to take revenge from your ex. It might became a punishment for yourself.
Do Things You Love
Now that you don’t have your life partner with you, do things you love and keep yourself busy and active in your life. When you have spare time then only you will think about your past, so better to fill all the spare time of your life with some unfulfilled desires of yourself.
If you do love writing, let’s go ahead with writing a book. If you do love writing blogs, then let’s create a new blog for yourself (you might also contact me to help you on this), and write down about your likes and dislikes.
If you love traveling out, you might also pack your bag and go out now. No matter if you are alone now, but still you can enjoy traveling and roaming at new places, who knows you might get a good friend while roaming only.
Laughter is the Best Medicine
This is the phase when you need a dose of laughter, as we say laughter is the best medicine. Go out to watch a comedy movie, or you can turn to the idiot box as well to watch some comedy program, and just see the positive impact it will bring into your life.
If you are from New Delhi and don’t want to go out alone, you can also contact me, I always remain ready to go for a movie with friends 🙂
Help Others
Believe me, helping others bring lots of satisfaction in our life. I always remain ready to help others, not financially, as I don’t have that much through which I will be able to help others, but emotionally, or morally I can always help others.
Always remember spreading smiles in others life will give you happiness and help you to cope up with any pain in your life.
Well, it’s really required to come out of the negative phase which this break up brought in your life. The process might differ from person to person, but it is really essential to cope up with the break up stress, else it might stop your life.
What is your opinion about this post, or how do you suggest others to handle this phase? Don’t hesitate in sharing your opinion with us. We are waiting for your opinion.
Hello there,
Do you still work on the website of yours?
I came across 5 grammatical mistakes.
Dear Jennifer,
Thanks a lot for your comment, I am glad that you came up with this. I am really thankful to you that you pointed out these to me. Although, to your surprise I checked the grammar tool, and found absolutely no mistakes in this post.