How to Be Happy despite Living a Lonely Life!

How to Be Happy despite Living a Lonely Life!

Solitude is a condition in which anyone can find him/herself at times. It can be due to some health problems, or due to a job at remote location, or due to any other reasons, but it is painful. We human beings are a social animal and living a lonely life becomes painful to us. Normally we can found us at isolation even when we are interacting in a group.  Solitude is nothing else then long term isolation.

Living a lonely life does not means that you should live it with unhappiness. You have all the rights to live your life happily. Sometimes it happens that situations turns your life into an isolated stage in which no one is left with us with whom we can share our feelings. But it does not mean that our life has come to an end now and we should not look for being happy.

During past we published some blogs which were quite related with this topic, like:

How to find happiness in your life?
12 Secrets behind Living a Happy Life!
Top 10 Tips for Self Improvement!
How to Love your Own Life?
How to Survive the Ups and Downs of Life!


One of the most simple, but most powerful words in our life is Adjustment. If you have the ability to adjust in all the situations of life, you can easily be able to survive them. You can easily live a happy life in all the worse situations. Though saying this is quite easy, but adjusting with the situations in our real life is the most difficult task. But with time we all learn how to adjust with ups and downs of our life.

If one is able to adjust to the situation he can be able to live a happy life, despite remain in an isolation state.

How to Be Happy despite Living a Lonely Life!
How to Be Happy despite Living a Lonely Life!

Here are few things which can help you to be happy despite living a lonely life.

Identifying the Reasons

Well, it is you who can only identify the exact reasons which forced you to live an isolated life. It might be possible that you were surrounded by many friends in the past, who usually were sharing all their secrets with you, but out of sudden you are now realizing that you are all alone. So what was the reason behind all this?

Identifying the Reasons
Identifying the Reasons

Did you realize that you made some mistake?

After all why is it happened that you were having so many friends, but now you are not having a single friend with whom you can share your feelings?

Well, it might be possible that your new job landed you to a new city, but then you must have some new friends at your new workplace as well. But then if you are unable to make friends at new place then there must be some reasons behind this.

It is you only who can look at the reasons for the situation which puts you in solitude. There might be some medical or physical conditions which is stopping you to go out and make friends, but then it is you only who can realize the exact reason behind all this and then it is your duty to finding a solutions which can once again establish you among people.

Social Networking

At this age of FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace, Google+, LinkedIn and other social networking websites, many people even won’t believe that someone is living a life at isolation. Well, these sites are meant for stay connecting with not only your friends, but also allow you to make new friends. You can anytime spread your network of friends over there and then it is hard to believe that you are living a lonely life. You will always be surrounded by virtual friends.

Social Networking
Social Networking

But, my dear friends, real friends and friends through social networking sites are completely different. Virtual friends can share their comments on your feelings, but they won’t share the same feelings which you can get from sharing your feelings with your real friends.

Many people don’t feel themselves comfortable using those social networking sites, but believe me those social networking sites are a good mean to come out from an isolation state of life.

Identifying Hobbies

Different people has different hobbies, it is their own duty to identify their own hobbies. It is you who can identify the hobby which can give you the happiness and then you also need to pursue them so that they can bring happiness in your life.

Identifying Hobbies
Identifying Hobbies

Hobbies which can bring happiness in your life can be anything like reading, painting, drawing, writing, spending time with poor people out there at a street near your home, etc. etc.

Reading Books

We already have discussed about the benefits of reading, and if you ask me, my personal opinion will always be to read books in case if you are feeling lonely. I too did the same, whenever I feel that I am all alone in this world, I prefer reading books, blogs, articles, etc. Reading is something which can anytime help you to become happy.

Reading Books
Reading Books

While at the situation for which we are discussing, it is a better idea to become a member of a library so that along with reading benefits you can also come out from your home and spend some time in society. It will definitely once again establish you among society.

Listening Music

Listening Music
Listening Music

Music has the healing factor which can give emotional boost to people, when the same is in a dark or gloomy mood. You can be able to hear music either through a radio set, or through television channel, or even through online sites as well. So music is something which can easily be available to anyone, and at the same time it can make you happy as well.

Watching Televisions

Watching Televisions
Watching Televisions

Watching televisions is also one of the most commonly available source through which you can come out from the isolation’s stage. Though it won’t actually help you to come out from the isolation stage but yes it will actually help you to become happier at that duration. Comedy movie or comedy serials might help you to find the required happiness.

Some people sell happiness, while they don’t taste any of it.
Some people sell happiness, while they don’t taste any of it.

There is a line which is coming in my mind, though I am not remembering the name of the author, but the line was – Some people sell happiness, while they don’t taste any of it. It can be the case with anyone, who actually spreads happiness in others life, but always remain unhappy in their own life. Destiny might be one of the reasons, but it’s a fact that normally people who spread happiness in others life, actually did not get it in reverse.

Though it does not means that you should stop yourself to spreading happiness in others life. If you can, you should do it. Always remember, if you are living your life in an isolated state then you should never go for drugs to ease the pain. Drugs or boozing might drag you to even worst situation and then coming back from there is too difficult. Try to be socialized and you will find that you are living your life happily.


2 responses to “How to Be Happy despite Living a Lonely Life!”

  1. Divya Pandey Avatar
    Divya Pandey

    i read this blog really this is good & helping in my life…


    1. Thanks Divya for your comment 🙂

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