New Approach towards Online Marketing after Panda and Penguin Updates of Google!

Two days back, Google, the search engine giant company, launched a new version of their well known updates Penguin 4, which Matt Cutts, the Anti-spam head of Google, call as Penguin 2.0. I write a small post on the same yesterday: Penguin 4 or Penguin 2.0 Rolled Out – What Should We Expect Next in SEO!

During last two years Google launched a few updates namely Penguin, Panda, EMD, etc. and also going to launch one more update namely Zebra. All these updates give the goose bumps in the stomach of many webmasters, who anyways avoid following the Google quality guidelines.

We all know that visitors are the ultimate goals of developing a website. Without visitors a website is almost dead. To gain visitors, webmasters need to do so many stuffs, like SEO, SMO, PPC, Link Exchange, etc. With these so called updates Google tried to force webmasters to follow the quality guidelines strictly.

If you will analyze the secret behind all these updates, you will find nothing new behind them. They are just naming it in a different way; else these all updates are clearly a hint of Google strictly following the same stuffs.

What Google is looking for?

Well, many webmasters are not sure what exactly is Google looking for, but if you ask me I can share the secret with you. Google wants quality, and nothing else.

As per Google they want the quality stuffs from any website, and they want to remove all the poor or spammy sites from the search engine result page (SERP).

To do so they brought two major updates, one was Panda, which was meant for penalizing the poor or duplicate content of the website, while other one was Penguin through which Google penalized the sites which were involved with poor links generation techniques. Basically Panda update for penalizing poor on page content, while Penguin update for penalizing poor off page activities.

Earlier Approach

A few years back (even today as well), many webmasters were involved with many activities like posting comments on different blogs, which were more like doing spam, submitting your site to poor directories, which will add your site to 197th page of their particular category, posting same article to around hundreds of sites, and many other activities which were considered as cheaper and spammy by anyone.

On the other hand some other webmasters were also in existence that used to copy and paste the same stuff written by someone else to their own site, without even considering giving a mention to the original author. There were plenty of sites available in the world which used to post too poor content on their site.

With the help of all these activities, they were even coming into the Google searches, and hence Google came up with strict updates, which penalized many webmasters.

The earlier approach was to build as many links as possible to your website, through whatever means it can be possible.

New Approach

The new approach is quite simple, which in fact I was following from the very beginning of my career. Here is a glimpse of the same:

Create Useful Content for your Site

One of the most basic and the most important ways to overcome the penalties issued by Google through Penguin and Panda updates is to build your website with senses. Build useful, meaningful and informative content for your website, so that a visitor should not feel cheated after visiting your web page.

Don’t Involve with Cheap Link Building Processes

I won’t say that links are not required, but in fact for ranking your web page for a particular key phrase you must need links for that web page. To get those backlinks, you should not focus on those spammy activities of article submission, directory submission, etc. which might lead penalty to your website for doing web spam.

Focus on Social Media Sharing

As per Google, they need votes for your web pages to be considered as good. To do so, at the moment, Google is considering that any real people will like your page, and then they must share it with their social media networks, like Facebook, twitter, etc. But as I said, at the moment, it means Google is currently focusing on this, but I am sure within a few days only they will realize that social media trends can also be wrong and fooled easily, and I am quite sure that they will change this approach very soon.

Focus on Guest Blogging

As per today, if you want to build links for your website, guest blogging is the most influential method through which you can generate quality links for your website. If followed in a proper way it will help your website to overcome from the potential penalties of the Google updates. Here are a few write-ups written by me in past about guest blogging, hope you can get more idea about it after reading them:

Top 10 Benefits of Guest Blogging!
Why Guest Blogging is a Powerful Way to Gain Exposure for Your Blog!
Ultimate Benefits of the Guest Blogging!
Drawbacks of Guest Blogging!

For many people who were involved in the spamming activities, SEO is now becoming as obsolete (read is SEO really becoming obsolete?) for them, but if you ask me, I will suggest that SEO is becoming a bit difficult after Penguin and Panda, but not obsolete one. If you can build a quality website, Google is bound to like it. If you will involve yourself in some black-hat activities, they will definitely penalize you.

I hope you are strictly following the Google guidelines; those who really need some help can even contact me for the same. I hope you like this blog, please share your feedback or comment about it with us. I am eagerly waiting for the same.


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