Ways to Overcome Jealousy!

Ways to Overcome Jealousy!

It is a very common feeling of being “jealous”. Jealousy in one could be due to other person’s success, his/her well being. I am very sure many of you out there must have felt this way at some point or the other in your life, when you have been devoid of success. In such situations one must have noticed himself giving some sort of trivial reasons as to feel a little comforted. People merely try to protect their ego and insecurities. This feeling should be kept within oneself. It is not conducive for the relationship that we share with people. Many of us create this impression that the other is better than us, without realizing the fact that there might be certain differences in your situation and that of the other person.

Whatever the case is, all we should do is to get rid of this “negative feeling” that we get whenever we hear about someone else’s success. Moreover when we are compared with someone else, the feeling of jealousy becomes all the more deep rooted. When you ego cries for attention, and then you realize that there are many who get it and not you, it is then when you get this feeling of being unwanted and being unnoticed. But many of us fail to realize that,

There is time for everything. Until and unless there is accurate and apt time for your success, you might be able to achieve anything no matter how much you try, so better stop trying and concentrate on the work which is left out, the one which you are suppose to complete.

Completely experience and feel it

Whenever we make ourselves understand that “ I don’t have to be jealous of anyone”, you will never be able to come out of this. You should start feeling this feeling completely, face it, and make yourself realize that you are being jealous of someone. Then you will realize slowly that the jealousy factor in you is diminishing slowly. The same applies to the situations when you are

  • Angry on someone
  • In a situation when you feel scared.

Find a place where no one can interrupt. Have peace, close your eyes and find out what are the things that make you feel jealous of the other person. Who all are the persons of whom you are jealous, I am very sure that you shall soon get an answer, and once you get the answer, start working on it.

Learn to love yourself

When are the times when you actually love yourself. The answer might be for few of you ”never”. When you cannot love your own self, then expecting love from someone else, cannot be even thought of. Accept the way you are, in the same way like your parents or your near and dear ones love you, irrespective of your shortcomings. Try not comparing yourself to any one, because if that happens, you will surely not be able to come out of the “J” factor. Try being focused on yourself rather than being focused on the ones of whom you are jealous. Spend some lone time with yourself, get to know the real you.

Ways to Overcome Jealousy!

Avoid comparing and being compared

When you are being compared with any other by someone random that feeling is weird. You feel bad and depressed, lost and helpless. You will get such a feeling only when you let the other person make you feel that way, have a strong personality such that the person who’s comparing you should think twice before even comparing you with anyone. But if you give in once, you will start cursing yourself more. You can be the one you want to be. You need not be compared or compare yourself to another.

Find your shortcomings

Look out for reasons as to why you are not able to achieve that position what you are aiming for. What are those things that you feel in-secured about. Trace them and try out every possible way you can to overcome. Then you will definitely notice the change and the spark in you to keep the jealousy factor out of you and completely concentrating on the aim and the goal that you have set for yourself.

Use paper to explain it to yourself

Many of us have a habit of verbally explaining things to ourselves in secret, but many of them are unable to express it through words and find it easy to write it on paper and then understand as to what is actually wrong with their thinking. Jealousy can create rifts between the bests of friends, but keep your mind stiff and keep your eyes on the goal which will lead you to glory and success. When you start writing, keep writing, without editing you don’t have to worry about the writing, whether it is readable or not, keep jotting down all those points that come to your mind, because at the end its for you who has to understand as to what lie within you.

Find the strength within yourself

When you once recognize your strength, you will be able to get over all the issues that you have. Feel great to have people around you, your parents, friends and others, they are your biggest strength. Feel the power within yourself, you will be able to establish yourself in a much better way and that to without being jealous of anyone.

All you people out there, I know you might not expressly tell people that you are jealous of someone but all of us within ourselves feel that how things would have been had you been better than the other person, this is jealously, when you feel like being equal or better than the other person. All I wish to say is that be focused  find out the loopholes in the way you work and plan strategies for future such that carrying them out becomes easier.


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