Most people wish that they read more books. Reading is such an activity which gives immense pleasure to us, not only that, reading is also a fun activity, which enlightens us as well.
Two days back, it was Diwali out here in India and I was sitting alone at my home, I was not at all feeling good to stay alone at home on such a lovely day, but I had no option. Unfortunately the set top box of the television was also not working properly that time and thus I had no option to spend time with television.
Finally I decided to read something and I started reading a novel and in fact I really feel good after doing that. I hope many of our readers are well aware about the most popular posts of our blog and it is the 10 benefits of reading, which in fact is one of the most favorite posts of mine as well.
So we all know the benefits of reading and we all wish to read too. But reading is such an activity that many of us would not want to engage with. Even as I told you that two days back reading was the second priority of mine after watching the television, and thankfully the TV was not working so I decided to read a book.
Well, if you ask me then I can easily say that around 50% of the entire population of the world actually had not read any book or newspaper during last six months time. Out of the remaining 50% many would be there who would have only read the newspaper or take a glimpse to any magazine only.
Thus if you too want to generate the habit of reading I guess here are a few tips from me which can allow you to generate the reading habit and convert yourself as a true book lover:
Always Have Something to Read
Wherever you go, you must accompany yourself with a few books, as I do. I always had a few novels in my back pack bag, so that whenever I can get time I can utilize them with reading the books.
Thus whenever you have the option of reading you won’t look for anything else to spend time with.
So always provide yourself something to read, be it a magazine, a novel, any book or a few newspapers as well, but always have something to read.
Fixing a Target
As I always mention this in different posts that fixing a target or goal is always better, similarly I would say you should fix the same kind of things with reading as well. It will be helpful for developing your reading habits only.
Let’s say I fixed a target of finishing 3 books by this weekend, or I fixed a goal that I will read one hours daily, this was only I can generate the reading habits and strengthen them as well. Once I will have the practice of the same, I won’t have any problem in doing the same in future as well, and it will become a routine for me.
Keep a Track
You fixed a goal that you would read around one hour daily, but it won’t become that much useful unless you keep a track of the same. So always have a notebook with you in which you can note down the time which you spent reading, thus you can be able to track weather you followed your target properly or not.
Thus, you fixed a target and keeping the track of the same, and it will definitely help you to boost the reading habit and you will become a regular reader.
Don’t Give Up
It can be possible that you can feel uncomfortable while following the regular routine. Sometimes you can feel that you are unable to fulfill the target which you fixed yourself. Don’t worry, and never give up too. My dear friends always remember that winners never quit and quitters never became winner.
So I would suggest you all to try your best to complete the target which you fixed yourself. I would also suggest that initially make small-small targets only which can be easily achievable by you. Later on you can increase the targets as well, but gradually.
Removing the Barriers
Once you fixed the target and started following the same too, you can easily identify the barriers as well. Like in my case watching television is one the biggest barrier towards my reading habit, and I realized this quickly. So I always try to switch off the television once I decide to read.
Thus it is your duty to identify the obstacles which are stopping you to become a book lover, and then you need to remove them so that you can easily develop the reading habit.
Join a Book Club
Joining a book club is always a nice idea to generate the habit of reading.
Regularly Visit the Library
Library being one of the finest options of reading should be visited by you on a regular basis. Thus to enhance your reading habit you must need to become a member of either a book club, or a regular visitor of a library.
Socialize with Like Minded People
It is always a good idea to make friends who has the same kind of habits. Like in this case we can become friends to people who love reading, this way we can be able to get some more knowledge about the recent books and their views on the same.
Also it inspires us to read more.
Read the Review First
Before choosing a book to read, always prefer to read or hear the reviews of the same first, it will help you to decide whether you can be able to read it or not.
Always remember that reading a good book makes good reading and gives immense pleasure, so always avoid reading bad books.
My dear friends always remember that reading makes a person more knowledgeable and successful as well. There are many more benefits of reading, so why not spend some time with reading a book. I am sure you all will love it.
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