How to Write a Professional Email!

With the increase in technology and the advancement and the growth of Internet all over the world, the e-mail has become one of the most important elements of communication in our life. The e-mail has become the most important part of the professional world. Today, all the companies and the organizations wish to communicate through E-mails. This is because the mails those are sent through e-mails not only saves space and time, but, it is also most secured form of communication, and reception of the mail, is a guarantee.

This it is very important that we need to know, How to write a professional EMAIL, like those gmail templates. During out studies, at school level, we are often taught, ‘How to write different forms of letters’, but we aren’t taught on ‘How to write a professional E-Mail.’ But, in today’s word, we need to know how to write a proper E-mail more then , How to write a letter. Because these days, most of the companies, the organizations and institutes, judge a work, by the way of writing an E-mail

There are many situations in our life, when we need to prove ourselves by the way we write or present an E-mail. So it is mandatory, that whenever you are writing a professional E-mail you should follow a certain set of rules and guidelines which would help you to write and built up your mail in effective way.

How to Write a Professional Email!

Thus, you must follow the following set of rules, while writing an E-mail:

Subject: It is very necessary to mention the correct and the justified subject. The subject should not be very long, but is must highlight the need for the E-mail. There should not be any spelling errors in writing the subject of the Mails.

Remember, in the professional world, companies’ receive lots and lots of E-mails every day. So if your subject is not worth, your E-mail might not be even opened and read at all. So, it is an utmost necessity to mention the correct, effective and attractive subject for the mail that you are sending.

Greeting: You need to greet the person to whom you are writing the mail. In most of the professional mails, you can use “HELLO”, to greet the concerned person. If the person to whom you are sending your E-mail if of very high authority, then you must write, “Respected Sir/Mam”.

The Opening Sentence:  There is a very famous and useful saying,” Well begin is half done”. This even goes for the context of sending a professional E-mail. The opening line that you write for the Mail should be perfect. This should well express the need for the email and should be written in such a manner that it catches the eye of the reader in the very first instance and the person who is reading your mail, sticks to read the E-mail, till the very end.

Use Both Alphabetical Cases: Do not use only the uppercase or only the lower case letters for writing a mail. Always write the first letter of each sentence, with an uppercase alphabet, followed by lower case letter.

If you are writing heading within your Email, then you can use only the uppercase letters.

Do Not Write Inexplicit Sentences:  You must ensure that each and every sentence that you write in a professional E-mail must contain a proper ending. The sentences that you have written must not show that you are writing those, in a hurry.

This might prompt the reader’s to think, that, you are writing the E-mails out of interest.

Do Not Use Abbreviations: While writing an E-mail, you must not use abbreviations that people normally use while chatting. This is because, first of all, if the concerned person is not aware about the abbreviation, that you are using, he won’t be able to deceive your message. Secondly, it creates a bad impact on the concerned reader of your E-mail.

Be Brief: Try to keep your Email as short and brief as possible. If you find that, your E-mail is exceeding more than two or three paragraphs, you can send the same information as an attachment to your mail.

Try To Be Polite: Try to use such a language which embarks that you are a polite but an intelligent person. Many a times, whatever you write, depicts your personality. In order to create an effective impact, be it by speaking, writing or demonstrating; you need to be polite. A polite language can even mould an iron to melt away. So, write in a language which depicts politeness.

Use ‘Please’ And ‘Thank You’: While writing an E-mail, remember, to use frames like ‘please and thank you, wherever and whenever necessary.

Add a Closing Remark: Before ending up the E-mail, do end up a courteous sentence, for example: “Thanks for considering my Email” or “It would be grateful if you find the words written above are worth, or “If required, feel free to contact anytime.”

Add a Signature Block: A professional E-mail must end with a signature block. The signature, block, must contain, your name, your present designation, your E- mail ID, your website name, and your contact details.

In addition you can also add a Quotation at the end of the signature block; this would create a mark on the reader’s mind and also show your creative skills.

Edit and Proofread: Almost all the Internet browsers that are available these days, contains an auto-enabled proofreading tool. Do, proofread you E-mail and edit it if any changes are required. If the mail that you have not proofread, the reader may very well and easily depict your carelessness regarding sending your E-mail.

These the Emails that are written are considered equally Formal, in comparison to business letters and documents and almost all the important works are compiled through E-mails, so it is must to write a professional E-mail for any purpose. If you write a good Email, it may happen that, even if the person does not knows you at all, he/she might gets a good impression about you, which would further be very helpful in accomplishing your work successfully and effectively.

Remember, there might be situations when just a single E-mail can help you to achieve something which would always dream off since a long time. So it is very important, to be particular and professional while writing the E-mail.


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