There is a great saying by Mark Twain that a man who does not read good books is no different from the man who cannot read them. He is absolutely correct in saying so. Books can be said to be the best bargains around the world. They offer the best years of experience and knowledge in a package worth only $20.
This does not mean that while start reading any book, a book may cost only $20 but the time spent in reading it is priceless. If your time is worth $200 per hour then one should read a book which is worth at least thousand dollars.
Choosing the right book can make a lot of difference. Choose a book which is in alignment with your personal and professional goals. After reading such book your mind will be filled with great thoughts and knowledge which will lead you towards greater achievement in life.
While reading a book highlight or underline the key points. Make sure you look for points related to your specific needs and interest and mark them. This will let you filter through different messages provided in the book; and then you can narrow down your focus to the specific ideas useful to you. The book should be based on three main aspects autonomy as it has the ability to influence our world; mastery which allows us to grow, evolve and learn; purpose gives us a meaningful work and contribute to our world. A book which we select should fulfil these three criteria.
Book is only useful when you review it and install its ideas in your life. Once you have finished reading the book, put aside it and review it for a week. After that go back to the sentences or pages which you have underline in order to follow up the top ideas. Do this exercise for a week; make a list of follow up items on which you need to execute. You need to understand that there is no point capturing all these valuable ideas if you do not wish to follow them up. They are completely worthless without a follow up plan. So make sure you have one as soon as you finish capturing the ideas, you should be ready for some action.
After that, put these new actionable items into your calendar. Do not be furious in completing these actions; make sure you give yourself enough time to complete these things. Also make sure you leave yourself enough time for priorities in your life.
Books have a great impact on our life, what we read is bound to have some effect on us. Now you need to decide what would be that affect, it could be good as well as bad. Now you need to decide how, when and what impact are books going to make in your life. Start reading a book from today onwards and you will realise the difference very soon. Apart from all these also take a look at the 10 benefits of reading by clicking here, and the five benefits of reading a good book.
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