If you are planning to move to Los Angeles, city is always ready to welcome you. Your families, relatives or friends might be terrified but trust me you are going to love it once you reach this place. They have got a weather to die for and you will be able to enjoy some of the best restaurants in the world. There is no other place where you can watch Jesus chatting with Darth Vader at Starbucks in line. But there are few things you will have to learn to enjoy this city to its fullest.
Learn To Drive – this should at number one in your priority list. You cannot do without this in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is a place which follow car culture, so make sure you know how to drive and if you don’t then learn it. You would like to know that you will be wasting 6 times more time in travelling by labyrinthine bus system, metro and some more buses. I do not think you would be interested in doing so, it is better to learn driving. Advantage of driving yourself is that no one needs to know where you are heading. You can enjoy the long drives at the speed of 80km per hour on freeways and remember to slow down where you start discovering people. You will not find many turn arrows which means every man is a guide themselves.
Rain – in the starting you will not realize how much you need to fear the rain in Los Angeles but as the time passes by you will understand how people lose their effing mind when it rains in Los Angeles. Make sure you get yourself an extra hour for your desired destination as roads are going to be wet. Three kinds of drivers are available in rain; first the wheel clincher, it is the person who slows down his car to death, almost the same speed of an old lady walking on a walker. This kind of driver holds on to one lane and drives at the slowest speed possible. Secondly, this is a spiteful person who gets so angry at the wheel clinchers that he drives fast and recklessly. Thirdly, it is the rest of us who drive carefully in the rain. You need to understand that wheel clincher and the reckless is a deadly combination on the same freeway on a rainy day, so make sure you drive carefully.
Warm Clothes – it is really important that you carry your warm clothes as you can’t even imagine how cold it gets in Los Angeles.
Food – this is going to be your own choice but once you have tasted delicious stuff at Moun of Tunis and Ethiopian food, you will definitely crave for it. The fear of tasting new food will be completely lost as Los Angeles has much to offer. You will just love the fusion cuisines of this place.
Use Of Surface Streets – you will not be able to reach your destination unless and until you learn the annoying surface street roads through the town.
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