Pimple is one of the most common problems faced by people all over the world. Pimples are caused in different ranges from mild to severe; acne, comedones, inflammatory acne, blackhead, whiteheads and acne nodules. The problem of pimples is common during teenage years of life, but it can occur at any stage due to many reasons.
Sebum Oil – it is the major reason for the formation of pimple on your skin. Sebum is a type of oil secreted by the pores in your skin. It produces by the sebaceous glands of skin in order to protect necessary oil on the skin, to prevent the loss of moisture from the skin. But unluckily, when too much sebum is present on the skin it gets combined with other substances present on skin which includes your skin cells and various bacteria’s. By combining with them, they form small plugs in the follicles which are known as comedones. This is the first stage of acne formation on skin.
Excessive Shedding of Skin – when a lot of sloughed skin cells are present on the follicles and surface of the skin, the formation of pimple takes place. More skin cells are available on the skin which means bacteria’s have more material to spread them and ultimately leads to pimples. The reasons behind excessive shedding of skin are dermatitis, dandruff, psoriasis and eczema.
Puberty – It is the most common factor for having pimples on anyone’s skin. The puberty is hit at different age of different people; it leads to an increase in the formation of hormone called androgen. This helps in the process of maturing the body. However androgens are male specific hormones, for example testosterone, but women also go through a sudden increase in androgens in the body but in lesser amounts. It is produced by adrenal glands and ovaries. Androgens lead to increase of production in sebum oil and further resulting into formation of pimple on your skin.
Hormonal Balance – hormonal balance in adult age can lead to pimple break outs. For instance, during pregnancy, one’s body produces androgens in large amount in order to facilitate fetal development which ultimately results in an increase in pimples, as per the information provided by National Women Health Information Centre. During menopause also, the body once again becomes prone to hormonal imbalance, which results in higher androgen levels. This leads to an increase in the production of Sebum and finally into acne and pimples. In men, use of steroid or testosterone supplements can be the factors of hormonal imbalance. This leads to greater number of out breaks of acne and pimple on skin.
Bacteria – it can also play a vital role in the development of pimples. Whenever a comedone takes place on your skin, bacteria is introduced in the skin known as Propionibacterium which colonizes beneath the plug. The bacteria keep on flourishing beneath the sheath of cells. Body reacts in protection by sending white blood cells to fight with them. The blood cell pile up and leads to pus formation which results in more severe form of pimples.
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