Importance of finding your own Path!
Knowing about following which path is of great importance. And not everybody is capable of doing that. In the early 20’s of every individual, it seems confusion dominates that age. In your vacation or even in college time you do not have any idea what you will be doing in the future and even if you know the goal you are still trying to figure out the way to achieve it. We all know what we do not want like working in the field with people I do not like or in a place where you do not feel comfortable. You seemed to be lost and confused.
Going through with a range of question series in mind we think of getting answers from our closed sources like friends, family or peers. But we never get a satisfied answer and the reason behind it is that the truth can be obtained only from within. Only we know what we want and what will make us happy, but still we end up asking these questions at wrong places. But this is also true that at this young age you are not mature enough to look deep into your heart for all these answers. Well, if you are suffering from the same problem then you might like to look at the following points.
People tend to stay in a profession which does not make them happy anymore but they are just jabbing about it because that is the only source of income. It is just like relationships the more time you spend in it the more difficult is to get out of it, knowing the fact that it is not prospering. Once made an investment in anything relationship or profession it is not easy to let it go off. It is nothing more than our habits which we are not ready to change. But it is high time that we stop making easy and bad decisions rather start with some right answers. We need to get out of our comfortable world and do some hard work. You might face a lot of challenges in doing so and people might call you a fool for going for something by compromising your current job but you should be strong enough to deal with all this. A completely new world of challenges will open in front of you and you should be mentally prepared to conquer all of them.
Having a personality of your own is of utmost important, you cannot behave like a sheep in the crowd you need to become the tiger, different and miraculous. And not even that you should do what makes you happy and not just make your parents happy or proud. Because ultimately it is your life and you will be the one who has to live it. One should be a little selfish sometimes and do something for yourself, which makes you happy and fulfilled. Breaking up the trend and finding a path for yourself is a challenging task but once achieved you would be the happier person in the world.