Be it America or be it Australia, many people are burdened with lots of debt and the major contributor of the debt is the credit card debt. If you are thinking that you are the only person who is burdened by credit card debt, and then my dear friends don’t worry, you are not alone. There are many people throughout the world who has hundreds, thousands, or even more dollars of debt on their head.
Well, for me, it is really difficult to rest easy when I have the information that I owe money to someone, be it a person, or an organization. Frankly I cannot take proper sleep when I consider about the debt on my head. It is true that credit cards are convenient ways to expand, but unfortunately, if you expend more and your income is less than your expenditures then you will fall in big problem.
Once you started paying minimum bills on your credit card and you fall under the web of debt. Frankly speaking no one wants to live a life with tons of the credit card debt. So what are the options through which you can be able to control your life again?
First thing there are many websites available on the topic which can provide you many tips on Credit Card Debt Reduction. I simply tried to make them simple, and nothing else. I too got this information from the help of web only. Here are few steps which will free you from the credit card debts:
Organize Properly:
The very first step of the credit card debt reduction is to know about how much you owe and to whom. Make a list of all the credit cards which you have, and then make a note of how much you owe on each one, also make a note of the respective interest rates too. Prepare this list in the descending order, depending on the interest rates, i.e. put highest interest rate at the top while the lowest one at the bottom of the list. You can either make this list on paper, or you can use Excel to create the list.
Finding & Paying Minimum Payment:
We all know that the high interest rate credit cards are of top priority for us, and I know that mostly we are not in a position to pay off the entire amount at a go. So let us first find out the minimum payment on each card and mention it in front of the particular card in the list. Now at first you need to pay all the minimum payments, and then consider how much more you can be able to pay. Always divide your earnings in a manner that the second number cards to the last one will get the minimum payments, while the top one will get the maximum one as much as possible.
In between, try not to purchase anything for which you do have the cash available in your hand. Use credit cards only when there is no option left. Then also try to use the cards of the lower interest rates only, as you are already paying the minimum payments so you won’t have any problem in using them. I am sure that following these tips will surely help you to get a debt free life which will have less stress. Never allow your debt to get out-of-hand.
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