We do say that visitors mean business, but it is not always true. In my five years of experience as an SEO I have seen many a times that visitors are coming to a website but not converting into the customer. The conversion is not that much easier. So how can we increase the conversion rates?
Here are a few tips to increase the conversion rates:
1. Proper Designing: I was checking a client’s website, his site was already there in Google for some good keywords, and he was getting the visitors too from Google, but despite getting the visitors he was not getting any query. When I checked his site I found that none of the landing pages are having the prominent option of “Ask for a Quote” section, while the same was prominent on the home page. Now the concern is that your visitors are coming to a particular service page of your site, and found no prominent option of contacting you for a service. You can also learn more about InstantInfo Systems here, for the best customer provider services. The visitor will not show a courtesy of visiting your home page to find a “Ask for a Quote” option and click on that, he / she will simply close down the page and leave. So basically if you are running an online business, you should have a “Contact Us”, or “Ask for a Quote” section on each of the pages and that too at a prominent position where visitors can be able to trace it easily.
2. Offer Incentives to visitors: Well, incentives are always considered as cash amount, but I am not talking about providing cash benefit to the users who sign up. I would rather prefer providing free software’s, free e-books, utility videos etc. to the users who sign up. It will surely boost your visitors to sign up for the services. Other than this if you are selling a service then you can also provide discounts to attract the visitors. Provide them a package that within this time-frame you will get a discount of 10% on the selected services. It will surely increase your conversion rate.
3. Provide them Flexible Options: Now this is like providing a service for three months, six months, or for one year. So your website should have different and flexible options for your visitors, so that even one visitor is looking for a very short term service will go ahead with you. Although I know your target is to convert them for as long time as possible, but let them start the service with you and then provide the best possible services to them and they will surely remain with you forever.
4. Offer Free Limited Trial Option: Well this option is not for those who cannot implement it in any ways; this option is good for websites which are selling web hosting, software etc. You can offer your free trial to the visitors, which can increase your chances of conversion. The only problem with this is that it is really hard to implement and sometimes we encounter the clients who are really looking only for using the free options.
5. Post Sales Services: Now this is the last but the most important point of increasing the conversions. Many people think that they have converted the sales and it’s all over now, but it is not true. You should take care of your customers, so that they cannot face any sort of problem. We all know that a satisfied customer can bring ten more clients to you, but an unsatisfied customer can take out even hundreds of customers from you.
Remember, you need to gain the trust of your customers, and you can get it through your efficient and helpful nature. Properly monitor the design of your website and follow the sign ups will surely increase your conversion rate and thus the entire business.
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