About My Valentine!

Every body is trying to get the perfect life partner. I am the lucky one who got her quite easily. Many friends of mine always ask about her, but till date I never reveal her name in public.

It was the second Valentine day which we spent together, in fact last year too we spent the VD together but not in the manner in which we spent the day this time. Last year we spent the day in a public program and this time it was totally private occasion.

I met with my Valentine a few years back, we became good friends but I never thought about making her my life partner. It was she who later reveals her feelings about me and I accepted her as my soul mate. I was aware that she is the sweat and charming girl and the most important thing is that she loves me a lot.

For me her love is the most precious gift given by God to me. I understand that it is she who changed my life completely, that’s why she has more value compared to other friends of mine. There is nothing in my life which is a secret for her and the vice-versa is also true, means there is nothing in her life which is a secret for me.

This year on Valentine Day, we first went out for a movie and then we took the lunch in a restaurant. After this we did a bit of shopping and that’s all about the VD.

We never gave each other any gift, still we enjoyed the day in a superb manner. We actually love each other so much that we don’t require any sort of gift to express our feelings. Without saying a word from our mouth we can easily understand the feelings of the other one. I think this is what the definition of love is.

I know that I don’t have enough words to define her self and the feelings about her, but still in this small note I tried to bring out my heart. I will ask you people to pray about us and one day from the same platform I will announce the complete detail about her too. Thanks for all your support.


5 responses to “About My Valentine!”

  1. Hi
    Congratulations! Mr. Vats that you got your valentine(Life Partner).It is very good that you both love each other.

    I have no more words I can say only few things…

    Sabhi ko sabh kuch nahi milta,
    Nadi ki har lehar ko sahil nahi milta,

    Yeh dil walon ki dunia hai dost,
    Kisi se dil nahi milta to koi dil se nahi milta

    one more……….
    Once you love, you cannot take
    it back, cannot undo it. What you
    felt may have changed, shifted slightly,
    yet still remains love…..

    Keep loving……………..
    I will wait for that time when you will get married.

  2. Dear mpatel,

    Thanks a lot for such a wonderful wish. I appreciate your feelings towards both of us. I wish the same for you too. 🙂

  3. Alex desuja Avatar
    Alex desuja

    Really nice and my good wishes for your bright future.

  4. Hey mate thanks for the support. I wish the same for you too.

  5. Saurav Dey Avatar
    Saurav Dey

    Hey dude you are really lucky to have someone like her. I just want to say one thing “Sabhi ko mukammal jahan nahi milta”. Now when you have got her as your soulmate. Dont ever urt her coz i have hurt my love and now when she is not with me i feel the pain. Only i know what i am going thru. Be happy always…

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