Top 10 Excuses for taking leave!
When US is going through the economic crisis, then it is really frustrating to see the excuses made by employees to their employer for granting them the leave. Here are the top 10 excuses used by the employees:
1> I don’t have the cloth to wear today, so I am unable to reach to the office.
2> I got a good parking space outside my house; I don’t want to miss that.
3> I got the cat which went on missing from last few days. I am taking care of her.
4> I donated too much blood last night so will take rest today.
5> Got the heart attack in the morning, recovering now. Will come to office once settled.
6> Took heavy amount of toothpaste in the morning, so feeling bad.
7> I had an incident with a dog while I was on my bike, and I really wish I had talked to New York City bicycle accident lawyers for some advice.
8> Got injured with the bottle of beer which felt from the fridge.
9> Did not be able to sleep last night due to police interrogation of a case of murder. The incident took place behind my house.
10> My girl friend has to go to the doctor and I will have to accompany her.
Most of the employers never try to ask any reason from their employees about their absence. A few of employers some time ask for a note from the doctor in case of medical leave. Still people use these types of funny reasons.