How vending business can be utilized in India?

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Vending machines were a foreign concept few years back. We could only see them in Hollywood flicks or foreign channels or hear stories about these wonder machines from people visiting abroad. But with the globalization catching up at a fast pace and India turning into a developing nation from a below poverty line nation. The whole technological development scenario of the country is changing. The added contributory factor in technical development of our nation is the easy export and import policy. Moreover the literacy rate has also gone up. All these factors have contributed towards acknowledgment and acceptance of new products.

Vending machines are installed at very few places in India. We generally locate them on airports or a posh super market and at times at few corporate offices. However the trend is changing now and more and more business people and corporate houses find the necessity of installing a vending machine. The purchase of item will be easier. Less monitoring will be required. Things would be available conveniently and one does not have to queue for a bottle of water or coffee or munchies.

Vending business can prove to be a boon to Indian economy. But the product selection should be such that it suits the Indian scenario. They placement of the machines should also be taken care of. The more frequented places like railway stations, supermarkets like big bazaar, more etc, airports, bus stands and shopping malls should be targeted. The most important consideration would be the currency and the mode of buying. The products of the machine should vary according to the location. Like for example at places more visited by the common man, the products like water, snacks, tea, coffee, and news paper should be available and the cost should be low. Whereas in malls and other elite places the product range should be variable. There should be choice of items from food to jewellery to electronics item.

Vending machine is a very handy technological development and it is a must for our economy. We are trying to be at par with the international market and vending business is one more step towards progression of India.


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