Vending machines are machines used for buying snacks, beverages, newspapers, water, candy’s etc by inserting money or a token. These machines do not need a cashier to monitor the transaction.
Vending machines cam into use after industrial revolution. These machines were initially used for selling cigarettes but this trend has faded away because of heath awareness. The functionality gradually developed and they started being used for selling other products. But the surprising fact is that the first vending machine was actually invented in the 1st century.
Vending business is a very profitable business and the person owning the machine is bound to get an estimated 100% to 200% profit within a year. There are certain features of vending machine, like the machine accepts certain amount of cash, the product is counted etc. which make the transaction easier. The owners of the vending machine do not need to worry about the change. Each vending machine has its own fixed amount which is dependent on the product to be sold. The vendor needs to spend 20 to 30 hrs in a week and the remunerations for it are good. This leaves enough time for him to work somewhere else as a part timer. However for the business to do well it is very essential to sell the products which are much in consumer demand. Secondly the location of vending machine is very important. The most profitable and sought after locations are airports, railway stations, super markets, shopping malls; café’s and other such locations which are frequently visited by people. They are very common in offices and schools too.
Vending business has expanded tremendously and there are user friendly technologies too getting introduced to popularize these machines. Nowadays coins and specified bills are not mandatory. Credit and debit cards too can be used to buy an item. With the popularity of the machines the product range has also expanded and it is essential to do so as these may draw the customer more and more and help expand one’s business.
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