Reading Benefits

10 Benefits of Reading!


136 responses to “10 Benefits of Reading!”

  1. EBIN MATHEW Avatar

    it’s realy goooooood

  2. I do not think reading is necessary for success although.

  3. akshatha Avatar

    i just love reading.its a good try, publish more articles

  4. reading is ok. i never liked reading. the only good part about reading is that you learn something like a skill. reading is very boring. I don’t agree with reason 9 and 10. if i talk about reading nobody is intersted and it doesn’t reduces boredom. last but not least reading is a fantasy. Life is not a fantasy. there are people that just read all day long and thats how obesity starts.

  5. bookaholic Avatar

    i extremely agree with you with this point. i just dont understanf why so many people hate to read even though it’s good.

  6. vera zhandra Avatar
    vera zhandra

    I LOVE reading very much…

  7. actually.i read very much..but one day i thought ,does it hav any benefits ??now i cam 2 know da hol stuff…….thank u very much

  8. Thank for your guideline. I’ll try to

  9. Enock Kwesi Addey Avatar
    Enock Kwesi Addey

    I must also say that this article is a great one. I also love reading and the benefits I get are not different from your points in this article. Thanks for this masterpiece.

  10. Nice… It feeds mental stomachs…^^…

  11. gemini philbguio Avatar
    gemini philbguio

    goodah…if only all children know how to read and comprehend at the same time, i believe many will be achievers and no one will fail in any subject in a class. textbooks are still used in the classroom…thus reading skill is still very beneficial in the learning process to lead them to success in life.

  12. Reading makes our life more colorful..When we read, we really gain something. For me, this is one of our daily activities that equipped us not just intellectually but in all aspects and help us to face all the adversities in life. For some, they take it for granted but just a reminder to all of us, “Without reading, we cant achieve what we aspire and we will find hard in facing realities…

  13. i love this and i agree with this articles…..

  14. daniel ngobya Avatar
    daniel ngobya

    Thanks i like this article and it makes proud.keep it up

  15. its right! reading is the best!!!!!!!!

  16. Daniel N. Akpuogwu Avatar
    Daniel N. Akpuogwu

    reading is as good reading

  17. Mohsin ali Avatar
    Mohsin ali

    Readers are always leaders.

  18. Aprilly Ann Avatar
    Aprilly Ann

    Like that…. I’m very agree

  19. Nosa Jones Avatar
    Nosa Jones

    I am amazed at how some people are trying to murder this article and even the act of reading. Not until I started reading or revived the culture of reading that I was able to find myself more. Don’t just read anything or what someone else likes reading. Reading to build your own pathway will do you a lot of good.

  20. Aaliyah Avatar

    yup ..reading is good ..i agree

  21. Hi Aaliyah, thanks for your support. πŸ™‚

  22. saliha Avatar

    i like this and i agree that reading is very important

    1. Thanks Saliha. Yes reading is very important. πŸ™‚

  23. i like this article. thanks for this article πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks a lot Amim. Hope you will like other articles of my website too.

  24. priyanka Avatar

    I liked this article very much. It is very true which has been written here & I hope that everyone should inculcate the habbit of reading. thanks.

    1. Thanks a lot Priyanka for your comment and appreciation. I am really glad that you liked the article.

  25. shanmugapriya Avatar

    first tanx for the one who published this article.Reading and me belong to two different worlds.But after reading this article we are together.Really a motivative and inspiring article.

    1. Hey Shanmugapriya, thanks a ton for appreciation. πŸ™‚ glad that you liked it.

  26. Supriya Avatar

    Nicely said, reading is truly a quality habit. Thanks for sharing such a nice article.

    1. Hey Supriya, thanks a lot for the appreciation. It is always a great feeling when I found that someone is liking my work. Great.

  27. Sure, reading makes one smarter, look at Carson for example.

    1. Hi Neeman, thanks a lot for your comment.

  28. i agree that reading is a nice hobby and that it is important, but i think you all should read Everything Bad is Good For You by Steven Johnson. It is proven that that so called “idiot box” has benefits including and exceding those of reading.

    1. Hi Liz, thanks a lot for your comment, will surely try to read “Everything Bad is Good For You” by Steven Johnson. Thanks again for liking the article.

  29. so dumb!!!!

  30. i really like your article,i have been hunting on the web for along time.So far this one is the best.

    1. Hi Justin, thanks a lot for liking the article. It is in fact a great feeling and it always inspire me to write such kind of articles in future too.

  31. it is very useful for me thanks for you all

    1. Thanks Susanth, I am really glad that you liked my article.

  32. this article is great, it was very useful to me.

    1. Hi Shalaka, thanks a lot for your comment, I am really glad that you liked my article.

  33. Good article it helps me a lot!!!

    1. Hi Mark, glad to hear that you liked the post. I am really delighted that this post helped you a lot. Thanks again.

  34. i also like to read story books.

    1. Thanks Sridhar, thanks for your comment.

  35. ajay vibhu Avatar
    ajay vibhu

    i actually love reading just takes us to another world which is very pleasant and good.
    one will not realize the benefits unless and until he or she does it .but however reading is so wonderful .

    1. Thanks a lot Ajay Vibhu, for taking time to post comment over here. I am glad that you really liked the post.

  36. Nice information.Everybody should know..One Book can change your life.There are lot of examples in history.

    1. Thanks Vivek, for the complement and your comment over here.

  37. Brindhaa Avatar

    this is an absolute fact!
    when people read they inculcate manyy good qualities that carve them to be a good human being with enormous knowledge and power..

    1. Thanks Brindhaa, for your comment and appreciation.

  38. Wow, nice article. I really enjoyed reading the same.

    1. Thanks a ton Shushmita, am really glad that you liked our article.

  39. Ugochi Ofoegbu Avatar
    Ugochi Ofoegbu

    The article is a masterpiece! i agree totaly to all the contents because am a voracious reader.Am happy to announce am now an author of two books. READ A GOOD BOOK TODAY!

    1. Thanks a lot Ugochi Ofoegbu, for your comment and appreciation. I am really glad that you liked our blog.

  40. Awesome blog man, I was just searching for benefits of reading, and came through many articles on the same topic, but out of them, this one is the best, simplest and a masterpiece. Good work folks.

    1. Thanks a lot Farhad, for your comment and appreciation. Comments like this always appreciates us to prepare more content like this. Thanks again.

  41. Karen Patrick Avatar
    Karen Patrick

    Book lovers are a dying breed today due to the emergence of television, movies, and the Internet. Thanks for the encouragement.

    1. Yes Karen, thanks a lot for your comment and appreciation.

  42. A.VEERAMANI Avatar

    of course all points are very very useful fantastic thanks for you

    1. Thank you A. Veeramani, I am really glad that you like it. Thanks for appreciation.

  43. Oh my god, till now i don’t know these type of benefits we have with the help of just reading. Thanks to share it.

    1. Thanks a lot Gehi, I am really glad that you liked the blog on benefits of reading and found it really useful πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing your comment with us.

  44. Very valid Points Alok!

    1. Thank you so much Rajkumar, I am so delighted that you liked this blog post of mine πŸ™‚ Thanks for your visit and comment dear Rajkumar πŸ™‚

  45. yogi saraswat Avatar
    yogi saraswat

    Have you ever found yourself in an embarrassing situation where you didn’t have anything to talk about? Did you hate yourself for making a fool of yourself? Do you want a remedy for this? It’s simple. Start reading. Reading widens your horizon of information. You’ll always have something to talk about. You can discuss various plots in the novels you read, you can discuss the stuff you are learning in the business books you are reading as well. The possibilities of sharing become endless. yes , agree with you all the points .

    1. Great thoughts Yogi Saraswat, thank you so much for sharing yuor thoughts with us Yogi jee. πŸ™‚ I am really delighted that you liked this blog post of ours.

  46. Correct points, Alok.
    Reading is much needed.
    Padhega India tabhi to badhega India πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you so much Anita. Though this blog is not written by me Anita. But yes am glad that you liked it πŸ™‚

  47. Apt points well presented, Divya. And highly impressed with Anita’s line “Padhega India tabhi to badhega India” Thanks Alok for this useful post.

    1. You are most welcome Ravish. No doubt that Anita shared one of the most popular tagline about reading. I am glad Ravish that you liked this blog post of ours. πŸ™‚

  48. There’s no better companion than a book of your choice….extremely valid points

    1. Thank you so much Chatali πŸ™‚

  49. Great points Divya… not to forget the bliss and wisdom a reader gets from her/his books …. Its a topic dear to my heart and I can write endlessly about it so better stop right here right Now !
    And yes ,Anita certainly has picked up a very apt tagline … its so natural to her πŸ™‚
    Thanks Alok for the share πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you so much Kokila, I am really delighted that you liked it, and I was not aware about your passion towards reading. Yes Anita brought a wonderful tagline over here. Thank you so much Kokila for sharing your opinion with us.

  50. I remember my grandpa saying read or you will perish, reading for me is a necessity and not a hobby. i truly believe anything read never goes waste. Nice article Alok.

    1. Rightly said Shweta πŸ™‚ Your grandpa is right and even my grandpa was saying the same thing to me. For me too reading is something which can take away from all the tensions of my life. Thank you Shweta for sharing your opinion with us.

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