Fuel prices are touching new heights every day and the only method to save your money is to change your motoring habits. Money saved is money earned. Take care of a few tips to save fuel. Here are listed some of them to help you:
1. Tire pressure: Tire pressure of your car affects the use of gasoline. Tires should be properly inflated. Check the pressure every month and inflate the tires whenever needed. Digital gauge can be used to read the pressure and can be kept in glove compartment. When shopping for new tires, get large diameter tires for rear wheels.
2. Right Oil: Right oil should be used for the car. It should be changed after every 30,000miles. Right oil means car is doing right. Check the grade of oil that is recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Car parking: Parking place should be chosen with care. A shaded area during summer will prevent excess hot inside. Car should be placed in garage when not in use. Avoid too hot or too cold conditions for the vehicle. Also park in way you can later begin to travel in the forward gear. Avoid reverse gear.
4. Spark plug: Engine should be kept in tune. Spark plug should be checked as needed. It will boost your gas mileage by around 4-5 %. The spark plugs should not work below the required efficiency as this may lower your car’s fuel efficiency approximately up to 30 percent.
5. Engine warm-up: Avoid prolonged warming up of engine, even on cold mornings. 30 to 45 seconds is enough. Also disengage the automatic choke after engine warm up. Chokes often get stuck, resulting in bad gas/air mixture.
6. Location evaluation: Evaluate the target location before leaving. Shortest way is not necessarily the quickest. Consider stop signs, stop lights, and traffic density when mapping out your travel route to save gas.
7. Driving habits: Driving habits effects a lot on the gas saved by you. If driving is efficient it could be environment friendly as well as result into saving a good amount of fuel. For efficient driving tips visit https://www.inewsindia.com/2008/08/07/efficient-driving-tips-an-eco-friendly-drive/
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