Some surprising uses of Eggs!

Eggs, mainly restricted to kitchens came out to give its appearance visible for other surprising uses also. Some of the other uses of eggs which you will find interesting and might be unknown to you are as follows:

1. As a glue: What if egg white is used as an alternate for glue? Yes! Egg whites can act as a glue substitute when gluing paper or light cardboard together. It is a perfect adhesive for such tasks.

2. Home facial: Eggs are perfect skin care products which are readily available at home and needs no time and heavy money to spend in the local day spa.

For a dry skin, separate the egg and beat the yolk to provide moisture with a little pampering. Egg white to which a bit of lemon or honey added can be used in case of oily skin. For normal skin, however, the entire egg can be used. Apply the beaten egg, relax and wait 30 minutes, then rinse. This will give a fresh look and soft skin to your face.

3. Make compost: In place of wasting the calcium rich eggshells, they can be a great addition to your compost. Calcium is a nutrient that helps plants to grow. Crush the egg shells before you put them in your compost heap to break down faster. This compost will give extra calcium to the plants and your plants will say ‘thank You’.

4. Water your plants: After boiling eggs, the remaining water can be used to water the plants in place of pouring down the drain. This water is highly rich in nutrients and can be used watering the plants after cooling.

5. Start seeds: Eggshells can be used as a holder to plant seeds. Place the eggshell halves in the carton, fill each with soil, and press seeds inside. As the eggshells are highly rich in nutrients the seeds will draw extra nutrients from the eggshells. After the seedlings are about 3 inches (7.5 centimeters) tall, they can be transplanted into the garden after removing them from the shell.

The removed shell can be reused. Crush them and put in your compost or plant them in your garden.


8 responses to “Some surprising uses of Eggs!”

  1. Jimmy Crack Corn Avatar
    Jimmy Crack Corn

    LOL, Eggs are great as long as you scramble them first! LOL


  2. Egg-tastic!

  3. bobloco Avatar

    in the Mex. culture it is also used to cure the evil eye. The evil eye other wise known as (El ojo) can make a person feel sick or restless. It is believed that certain people can induce these ill feelings in people simply by staring too long at people or wishing them wrong. Young kids are especially at risk. Some people with the ability to induce the evil eye do so unwillingly and will go and touch the forehead of the child or person they stared at to counter act the effect, but when evil eye is suspected the common remedy is to grab an egg and rub the egg over the victims body in a Cris cross motion symbolizing the catholic cross while saying the Our Father prayer repetitively. Then the egg is broken open in to a glass of water and placed close to the victims bed so as to absorb the evil eye away. so there is not so common use # 6

  4. bobloco Avatar

    Central America

    In Mexico and Central America, infants are considered at special risk for evil eye (see mal de ojo, above) and are often given an amulet bracelet as protection, typically with an eye-like spot painted on the amulet. Another preventive measure is allowing admirers to touch the infant or child; in a similar manner, a person wearing an item of clothing that might induce envy may suggest to others that they touch it or some other way dispel envy.

    One traditional cure in rural Mexico involves a curandero (folk healer) sweeping a raw chicken egg over the body of a victim to absorb the power of the person with the evil eye. The egg is later broken into a glass and examined. (The shape of the yolk is thought to indicate whether the aggressor was a man or a woman.) In the traditional Hispanic culture of the Southwestern United States and some parts of Mexico, an egg is passed over the patient and then broken into a bowl of water. This is then covered with a straw or palm cross and placed under the patient’s head while he or she sleeps; alternatively, the egg may be passed over the patient in a cross-shaped pattern. The shape of the egg in the bowl is examined in the morning to assess success.[7]

  5. What about radiator stop leak?

    Small leaks in an automotive radiator can be repaired by cracking an egg into your radiator and letting the car warm up. As the egg heats, it cooks, and forms microscopic pieces that clog small leaks nicely. Good for when you can’t get real radiator stop leak.

  6. Subhash Avatar

    Painting! We love egg paintings…

  7. Trupti Mishra Avatar
    Trupti Mishra

    nice info…. didn’t know that eggs can be used in so many ways… keep up the good work

  8. These all are good uses of Eggs.

    A hen’s egg can be use for all purpose. What is the use of Bird and other animals eggs.

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