Do you believe in fasting? Do you think fasting gives health benefits or help in achieving weight loss?
Many people around us do fasting and spend long continuous hours or even days without solid food. But health experts deny this kind of benefit behind fasting. However fasting may help when recommended for medical purposes, in other cases it can be proved risky to our health.
“Under no circumstances is fasting beneficial for fat loss. Long gaps in meals will reduce the basal metabolism rate and further contribute to weight gain.” Warns Sveta Bhasin, dietitian and nutrition consultant, Body Basics, Mumbai.
Bhasin says that fasting can lead to hyper acidity, dehydration, reduced bone mineral mass, muscular aches and pains, weak vision, anemia etc.
He adds, “Detoxification diets, if followed once in three months for a day or so, may be some benefit. But deprivation of healthy food even for a day leaves the body and mind malnourished. Fasting regularly may manifest itself in complications like diabetes, heart diseases and osteoporosis.”
Namita jain, a weight and lifestyle management expert tells,” during fasting the body draws on energy reserves to maintain the necessary functions. It primarily uses Glycogen to feed the brain and cells. When this supply is diminished, protein stores are utilized, causing the breakdown of muscles and other tissues. This can lead to weakness, fatigue, depression and hair fall.”
Dr. Namita Akolkar, an anesthetic tells that fasting can temporarily help in losing weight but the body soon returns to its pre fasting weight in 90 per cent cases as soon as fasting stopped.”
So next time, think a bit before going to fasting and if you are very keen for it, don’t take long gaps between your meals.
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