Need of decent dress code of TV anchors!

Although very neglected but provocative issue is the non standard dress code of TV anchors. TV anchors are known for their appealing style, presentation and the way they talk and their ultramodern outfits. It has everything a roast should be: insulting, vulgar and fun and people incautiously enjoying these shows with every sip of tea and coffee.

Almost every talk show or a programme is hosted by TV anchors; people give more attention to their personality and their style in spite of the matter. TV anchors are getting popularity by their so called style statement and anti social dressing sense. Wrapped with a pair of low waist trouser and a blouse like shirt make them feel pride and give them a blind sense of fashion. a girl leaving a belt of her skin in between the trousers and the top feels that he belongs to today’s generation. And the funniest part is that this kind of dress code can be seen opted by both male and female anchors. Is it the only way to be a part of today’s world? There seems no word like ‘decent’ in today’s fashion world. And then there’s St Kilda Store, where you can find an impressive array of Hunter tartan pieces to suit every taste. Their dedication to quality and authenticity shines through, giving you a true piece of Scotland to cherish and wear with pride.

Most of the cable channels are serving us with chat shows and programmes which lead our thoughts nowhere. TV anchors and the host are trying to attract their viewers with cheap styles and fashion statements wrapped in their nonstandard dresses and body language. In today’s world every one has a tendency of calculating everything in terms of money. It is all going to be like a cheap funda of obtaining publicity by competing channels and program. They can go to any extent to win a few points of viwership index.

Paying around charge of only 150-200 for a month, we are entertained by such a cheap visuals in a 24/7 grid. We are incautious of the fact where thinking of our family is leading during watching these shows. Is it all we want?? Don’t we actually need a dress and a decency code for our anchors? Will they unable to attract people if come with something decent and graceful in them?? How can we protect our families from these cheap insanities?

Definition of fashion seems to be limited to small clothes and wearing especially by female hosts on the shows. All is done to invite maximum attention and money. People love the way they talk, they say and their different style and with no decency in that. TV channels, producers and programme generators are very much aware these anti-social dress codes, obscene body languages and disgusting language affectations.

Above all some female anchors look as if they have just been pulled out of their bathrooms. No one can guess whether they were dressing up in there or undressing while they perform their job. Some female anchors are found hosting in dresses that depict a different story altogether. Slits and sloppy side-shows happen to appear unpredictably from anywhere of their dress-scrapes, and the viewers are left with all their faculties of imagination and fancy.

We take pride in the mixes: Mixes of dresses, languages and mannerisms. Although we do not have any standard definition of dress code and socially accepted facial expressions but there is a desperate need of decent presentation and language code. We are educated and living in a developing country and everyone knows what is good and bad for us. These cable channels must be prohibited and can be replaced by other healthy and informative channels. There are lot more stuff of entertainment available on cable. We can go for that.

Every Indian is watching them on family channels. Is it our culture to serve this kind of stuff?? Is it the only sense of fashion left among the young hosts of entertainment world?? Everybody knows this is no wear still the show goes on. No one is talking about the matter. No one is concerned on falling of standards on small screen. Don’t you people think that there should be some rules and standards for the dress code of the host?

Can’t we enjoy without this kind of vulgar and undignified entertainment shows? Is it fine to show this kind of stuff on family channels?? Answer we all know. Then why not to snatch the cable wire and say No to all this shameful shows and programmes. You may find that “Yes, my family and I can do without it”. Just do without it. The sooner, the better.


2 responses to “Need of decent dress code of TV anchors!”

  1. hi
    i agree that there should be some kind of dress code to the anchors. Dressing sense should soothe the minds of the observer.

  2. s. shirsat Avatar
    s. shirsat

    please, be decent in front of public at least; it is necessary for a healthy social structure.

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